- The antecedent of a conditional statement. 一个条件句前提
- The word "man" is the antecedent of "who" in "the man who spoke". "man"这个字是"the man who spoke"中"who"的先行词。
- The Antecedent Mechanism 先行先试
- The antecedent is evident in the case of the form. 但我们还是提供一个证明。
- References the commandline used to access the antecedent. 参考用于访问先行规则的命令行。
- "X is a man" is the antecedent for this proposition. "X 是人" 是这个命题的前件。
- Creative thinking is the antecedence of design. 创新性设计,必须有创新性思维。
- In 'He grabbed the ball and threw it in the air', 'ball' is the antecedent of 'it'. 在 He grabbed the ball and threw it in the air 一句中,ball 是 it 的先行词。
- A proposition on which another proposition depends;the antecedent of a conditional proposition. 前提为另外一命题所依赖的命题;先决条件
- A proposition on which another proposition depends; the antecedent of a conditional proposition. 前提为另外一命题所依赖的命题;先决条件
- The marker has lost its verb meaning and semantically emphasizes the antecedent component it follows. 功能上,转变为话语标记的“(符号略)”主要起强调先行成分或先行句子的作用;
- This entity or concept is invisible in language form.It hides in the prototypic scenario of the antecedent. 这个实体或概念在言语形式上是隐性的,它隐藏于先行词的典型场景之中。
- Therefore,the antecedent set it as an amulet by god to frighten those fierce animals. 虎为猛兽,容易对人造成伤害,原始先民以此震慑猛兽,以得到神灵的保护。
- Major faults in this area were evolved from the antecedent faults during the Himalayan orogeny. 认为区内部分断层是继承先成断层发育而来,部分断层是喜马拉雅期运动的产物;
- Only weak associations were found between the antecedent variables and patients’ preferences. 仅仅弱的协会被创立在之间 先行的变数和病人’ 偏爱。
- You operate the mechanism by winding this handle. 操纵这台机器要转动这个把手。
- The United Tasmania Group, established in 1972, was the antecedent of today's Australian Greens. 于1972年诞生的塔司马尼亚团结组织,就是今日澳洲绿党的前身。
- The watch has delicate mechanism. 这块表有精细的机械装置。
- However,the antecedent community administration system in China is not perfect in respects to the functions,relations and suchlike. 然而 ,我国现行的社区行政管理体制却很不完善 ,条块分割、职能错位、关系不顺的现象十分严重。
- In indirect anaphora sentences, the antecedent and anaphor is not a co-referential relation.Sometimes it is hard for us to confirm the reference. 间接回指句中,先行词与回指词并不是一种直接指称关系,甚至有时确认指称关系是非常困难的。