- The boy's aunt reared him. 这男孩的阿姨将他养大。
- The boy's father coaxed him out of the bad habit. 孩子的父亲说服他那个坏习惯。
- The boy lapped up all the story you had told him. 这个男孩全部记下了你给他讲的那个故事。
- The boy stole away without anyone seeing him. 那男孩子悄悄地走了,谁也没看见。
- The boy 's face betrayed him to be cheerful. 那个男孩的脸显示出他很高兴。
- The boy booted the banana skin to the garbage heap. 男孩把香蕉皮踢到垃圾堆旁。
- The boy got a good beating for breaking the window. 那男孩因打碎窗玻璃而被狠狠打了一顿。
- Her mother die of cancer and her aunt rear her. 她母亲因癌症去世,她姨妈将她抚养大。
- Should the boy come again, I would throw him out. 要是那男孩在来,我就把他撵出去。
- He shouted insults at the boy who had kicked him. 他大声辱骂那个踢了他的男孩。
- Her mother died of cancer and her aunt reared her. 她母亲因癌症去世,她姨妈将她抚养大。
- The boy tuck into the salad put in front of him. 男孩大吃放在他面前的沙拉。
- He consigned the boy to the care of the aunt. 他把孩子委托给姑母照管。
- The boy spooned oat the to beans to his mouth. 这孩子用匙把黄豆舀出来放进嘴里。
- The boy took one sip of the wine and spat it out. 那男孩子呷了一小口葡萄酒,但马上又吐了出来。
- The boy trailed a toy horse after him. 男孩将一匹玩具马拖在身后。
- The boy is badly hung up on the way his mother treated him. 这个男孩十分不安的是他母亲对待他的方式。
- The boy was enticed into playing truant. 这个男孩被引诱逃学。
- The boy begged me not to tell his parents. 这个男孩请求我不要告诉他的父母。
- The boy is daubing a piece of paper with red ink. 那孩子正在用红墨水在纸上乱涂。