- Many of us are bombarded with spam every day and hate it.Although there are a few email providers that provide great spam filtering services, sometimes that just isn’t enough. 很多人天天遭受垃圾邮件的轰击而咬牙切齿,尽管有一些邮件提供商提供了很强大的垃圾邮件过滤服务,但有时候还不够用。
- Results that just can’t be duplicated on stovetop. 这用火炉肯定是无法做到的。
- Executing two programs on one computer just isn''''t fully asynchronous. 注意,在一台机器上运行两个串口应用程序,并不是完全异步的。
- You can' t do it without telling him ; it just isn' t cricket. 你不能不告诉他一声就做那件事; 这不够光明磊落.
- You may want to say, “What do you mean by ‘the self is vast’ Isn’t that just spiritual claptrap? 你或许想说,“你所说的‘自我是巨大的’不会只是精神上的一句空话吧?”
- Q: Vilnius isn’t on the Baltic Sea;what are the climate and land like? 问:维尔纽斯不濒临波罗的海,它的气候和土地怎么样?
- He annoys her so much that just seeing him sets her teeth on edge. 他那样骚扰她,以致于她一看到他就感到厌烦。
- Dauber: Is there any type of art that just doesn't turn you on at all? 有没有哪些艺术就是一直都不吸引你的。
- There are so many parts of Paris that are sort of alluded to in guidebooks, but as a first time visitor, there just isn’t time to hit everything. 在旅行指南中多少有提到些巴黎的旅游胜地,但是作为一个第一次来到巴黎的旅游者,你没有时间逛完所有地方。
- Technical supp o r t on the gloss measurement. 提供与光泽测量相关的技术支持。
- The boys did that just for the devil of it. 男孩们这样做纯粹是闹着玩的。
- The number of sweepstakes sponsors that contact entry services directly to ask them to include their contests in their sweepstakes selections shows that this just isn’t true! 数量抽奖提案国接触直接入口服务,请他们包括他们的竞赛抽奖的选择表明,这仅仅是不是真的!
- Didn't he say that just to run me down? 他这不是故意作践人吗?
- If I’m lucky, I get a shrug and a ‘This just isn’t working for me.’ If I’m not lucky, at the next family get-together, I’m in for some serious snubbing. 如果我幸运,我碰到一个耸肩和这正好是没有工作,为我如果我不是幸运,在下次家庭联欢会,两者合计,我在为一些严重的不压井。
- That just do not make sense to me. 那对我而言毫无意义!
- Was the bus that just went by a No.63? 刚才开过去的是63路车吗?
- My parents forbade me to watch TV excep t on Sundays. 我的父母禁止我看电视,除了周日以外。
- He thinks I dislike him but that just isn't so. 他以为我讨厌他,其实不是那么回事。
- Y ou s hould have f i nis hed yourc om posi t on by yes t e r day. 你本不应该取笑他的。他不是你嘲笑是热恰恰是你应该学习的一个人。
- That just about wraps it up for today. 这就差不多给今天画了个圆满的句号。