- Team Knowledge Creation 团队知识创新
- The type of knowledge creation is very different from other educational theoriests like T.J.Sergiovanni. 这一理论的知识创新产生方式,有别于萨乔瓦尼的知识横移方式。
- I. Nonaka, A Dynamic Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation, Organization Science, 5. 波兰尼(许涤民译).个人知识.贵州人民出版社.2000.129。
- NONAKA I.A Dynamic Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation[J].Organizational Science,1994,5(1). 李焕荣;林健.;基于知识联盟的企业核心能力培养[J]
- The different mechanisms of knowledge transfer and knowledge creation result in this moderating difference. 这种差异是由知识传递和知识创造影响机制的不同造成的。
- Harvard Business Review.2001, 79(3): 107-116.[14] Eppler, M.J..Managing team knowledge: Core processes...... 技术创新类型与知识管理方法的关系研究(谢洪明刘常勇)[2004-03-1911:00:24
- Henceforth, we will continually from the viewpoints of customers to contribute their productivity improvement, knowledge creation and share. 我们今后仍将一如既往地站在客户的立场上,以客户的需求为出发点,随时随地为客户生产力的提高和知识的创造做贡献。
- Nonka, I., Byosiere, P., Borucki, C. &Konno, N. (1994). International Business Review. Organizational Knowledge Creation Theory: A First Comprehensive. 李秋湄(2000)。非常竞争优势-知识创业十四步骤。台北市:天下杂志。
- Nonaka,I.,Byosiere,P.,Borucki,C. &Konno,N. (1994). International Business Review. Organizational Knowledge Creation Theory: A First Comprehensive. 李秋湄(2000)。非常竞争优势-知识创业十四步骤。台北市:天下杂志。
- Georg von Krogh, et al. Enabling Knowledge Creation: How to Unlock the Mystery of Tacit Knowledge and Release the Power of Innovation. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. 每一个图书馆都应当动员所有的能力与资源来做为知识创造的促成者及协助者。
- A comprehensive and feasible model that delineates the relationships between IT infrastructure and knowledge creation is absent.This study aims to fills this void. 如何透过资讯科技(IT)基础所提供的功能,来促进知识创造,一直是学界与业界所关注的议题。
- Regarding organization empowerment, the coordination right delegated to project managers would be good for R&D cost reduction, knowledge creation and speed of R&D. 组织授权当中,专案内各功能性部门协调权力授权给专案主管,对于研发成本、知识技术提升及研发进度有正向帮助。
- Printing did not cause democracy or science, but literate populations, enabled by the printing press, devised systems for citizen governance and collective knowledge creation. 印刷出版不能产生来民主或科学,但是受教育民众通过印刷品出版物,却能够设计出公民治理和共同创造知识的机制。
- The increasing availability, accessibility, and capability of software tools to create, manage and distribute OER enables new opportunities for knowledge creation. 建立、管理和发布OER的软件工具的实用性、可达性和性能日益增长,给知识创造打开新的机会。
- To sum up, this paper proposes a new role theory of subsidiary in knowledge creation and flow and introduces this theory to the development process of SSA. 本文主要通过理论推演以及案例研究的方法,创新之处在于提出了子公司在知识创新和流动中的角色,并将这个模型运用到子公司竞争优势形成之中。
- Nanotechnology is a source of knowledge creation and technique creation in the 21~(st) century. Nano-wood science is a definite result from crossing and blending nanotechnology and wood science. 纳米科技是21世纪知识创新和技术创新的源泉;纳米木材学是纳米科技与木材科学交叉融合的必然产物.
- Our team swept the board in the sports games. 我们代表队在运动会中大获全胜。
- She has been the playmate of every boy on the football team. 她曾经是足球队上每个人的性伴侣。
- Economic models that ignore information imperfections and knowledge creation give us poor guidance since so many institutions can only be understood as adaptive responses to informational problems. 忽略信息不完善性和知识创造性的经济模式不能起到很好的指导作用,因为很多机构对信息问题只能采取一些适应性的措施。
- He is a full back of our football team. 他是我们足球队中的后卫。