- Teacher Role and Role Conflict 对教师角色的一种社会学探讨
- Role conflict was a more powerful predictor to cynicism,and role ambiguity was a more powerful predictor to emotional exhaustion. 角色冲突对玩世不恭具有较强的预测作用,角色模糊对情绪衰竭具有较强的预测作用。
- According to the gender consciousness, the male teacher in high school restructures the teacher role and improves the development and identity of the teachership. 并承接工作场域中型塑的性别意识,重构教师角色,且设法增进教师工作的发展性,以提升对教师工作的认同。
- After examining the padagogical implications of role playing, Chapter Three proposes a three-way improvement method, including improving classroom management, improving Learner's role and teacher role and making role playing activities task-based. 在探究过角色扮演活动对教学的提示作用之后,针对目前角色扮演活动的费时低效、无序混乱等情况,文章提出了三个方面的改进方法,包括改进课堂活动的组织、改进学习者与教师在活动中的角色地位,以及使角色扮演活动任务化。
- New Teacher Role and Teaching of Normal University 新的教师角色与师范院校的教学
- Internet Love of the Married Group and Role Conflict 已婚群体网恋行为及其角色冲突研究
- the correct positining and role conflict is a good integration 角色意识
- Reporting Services uses roles and role assignments to control access to report server content. Reporting Services使用角色和角色分配来控制对报表服务器内容的访问。
- The list of roles and role assignments appears in the HTML version of the deployment report. 角色和角色分配列表显示在HTML版本的部署报告中。
- The Influence of Role Conflict and Role Ambiguity on Nurse Job Burnout 角色冲突和角色模糊对护士工作倦怠的影响
- Your role and your options in selecting records. 您在选择记录时的角色和选项。
- It analyzes the role and limitation of the URD. 分析了URD的作用和局限性;
- I can penetrate social masks and roles and see the other person on a deeper level. 我能够穿过社会的面具和地位看到一个更深层次的他(她)。
- What is my responsibility and role? 我的责任和角色是什么?
- They are mentors and role models. 既指明方向,又言传身教。
- It summarized the research overview on palliation care service and roles and service contents of community nurses in palliation care service both in abroad and at home. 综述了姑息照护服务研究及国内外社区护士在社区姑息照护服务中的角色和服务内容。
- On college Teachers'Role Conflicts and Self-adjustment 高校教师的角色冲突与自我调适
- Estimation of Changing of Teacher Role and Effect in the Multi-media Network Teaching 试论多媒体网络化教学中教师角色的转变
- Live up to your role and status, and fulfill your required duties. 你是有那些身分的人,就应该做那些身分的事。
- Right-click Roles and select New Role. 右键单击“角色”并选择“新建角色”。