- Tan Cheng Lock 陈祯禄(1883-1960),马来西亚人,华人领袖、商人。
- They also have reservations about the term " Chinese elite ". Dr Tan Cheng Bock was one of them. 而对“华文精英”的提法也颇有意见,其中应以陈清木医生为代表。
- Qinglie little island of Oasis, and into a waterfall could Sandie Quan, Tan Cheng, Cheng Yong Chang, handsome, drink, pleasure, the island is a must. 海岛上少有清洌的甘泉,而三叠泉竟能成瀑、成潭、成泳场,可观、可饮、可游乐,真是岛上一绝。
- Two year only because man of 19 years old does not have money to get online, close area insanity to steal autocycle and electric motor-car in smooth Tan Cheng unexpectedly. 两名年仅19岁的男子因没钱上网,竟在平潭城关地区疯狂盗窃摩托车和电动车。
- I bought a pair of tan leather shoes the other day. 前几天我买了双棕褐色的皮鞋。
- He chiseled a hole in the door to fit a new lock. 他在门上凿了个孔,以便装一把新锁。
- This lock can only be opened from the inside. 这把锁只能从里面打开。
- It took me all summer to get this tan. 我花了整个夏天才晒出这样的棕褐色。
- He put the key in the lock and turned it. 他把钥匙插入锁里转动。
- We must put a new lock on the front door. 我们得在前门上安一把新锁。
- I want to tan my back a bit more. 我想把後背晒得再黑点儿。
- Someone has been tampering with the lock. 有人乱动过这把锁。
- Someone has to lock up the house. 总要有人把房子锁起来。
- She inserted the key into the lock. 她把钥匙插入锁中。
- On no account (do you) forget to lock the door. 千万别忘了锁门。
- His arms and legs had a dark tan. 他的手臂和腿晒得黑黑的。
- He kept a lock of her hair as a memento. 他保留着她的一束头发作纪念。
- They tried to use an iron bar to pry open the lock. 他们试图用一根铁棒撬开锁。
- There's something jamming (up) the lock. 有什麽东西把锁卡住了。
- Remember (ie Don't forget) to lock the door. 别忘了锁门。