- Takada Minoru 高田稔(1899-1977),日本人,演员。
- Your desk will be next to Mr. Takada's. 你的办公桌在高田先生旁边。
- Mr. Takada is very strict on appearance and punctuality. 高田先生对衣着和守时要求严格。
- I'm afraid you'll have to ask Mr. Takada about your salary. 有关你的薪水我想你该请教高田科长。
- S. Shin-ini, K. Minoru, K. aiko and I. Tadashi, “Immersive InterSpace System,” NTT R&D, Vol. 47, pp. 495-500 (1998). 郑薇芬,“改良式超音波头控摇杆系统之研制”,硕士论文,逢甲大学自动控制工程研究所,2004年。
- We see Chieko tell Minoru she wants to go to Tokyo and start a new life with Takeru. 千惠子告诉秀她想去东京与健开始新的生活。
- The police call Chieko's death an accident, but soon after Minoru cracks -- and confesses his guilt. 警察将这一事件认定为意外,但很快,秀承认了自己的罪行。
- MINORU Yoshida,OSAMU Tada,HASHIME Joe.Programming of the Engine Control Unit by the C Language[C].SAE Paper 960047. 汤子瀛,杨成忠.;计算机操作系统[M]
- Takada Gardens is one of the few Taiwan botanical tourist attractions of any scale left today. 嵩田植物园是目前少数仍颇具规模的台湾观光农园之一。
- Early in 1989, he and Minoru Arakawa of Nintendo went to Moscow to license the rights to the video game. 在1989年年初,他和任天堂的荒川实一道前往莫斯科去购买游戏的版权。
- Japanese electone player is invited to come to Hong Kong to be the guest performer every year. This year we were very honoured to have Ms Izumi Takada. 大会每年均会从日本邀请当地的年轻音乐家到来作表演嘉宾,今年有幸邀得高田和泉小姐来港演出。
- Griffiths, Paul J. and John Keenan, Buddha Nature :A Festschrift in Honor of Minoru Kiyota, Tokyo : Buddhist Books International, 1990. 本书为准备清田实教授退休的纪念集(但至目前尚未退休),收有十篇由其弟子写的关于如来藏/佛性的文章,值得参考。
- Takada's data suggest that if a living donor is available, LDLT may offer a chance of cure for HCC patients who might otherwise die.Dr. 这项数据显示,如果可以进行活体移植,在没有选择的情况下,LDLT可以提供HCC患者的治愈机会;
- Ono Tetsuhiro,Aramaki Minoru,Ushirogouthi Etuo Process for preparing anhydrous aluminium fluoride: US,4070447[P]1978-01-24. 唐仲友;李月秋;黄文辉;等一种生产砂粉状无水或含水氟化铝的方法:中国专利;1590299[P].;2005-03-09
- To provide industry leading-edge technology and equipment and efficient service, Takada is the highest purpose of action! 为客户提供行业前沿技术装备和高效的系统服务,是高田人的最高行动宗旨!
- Griffiths, Paul J. and John Keenan, Buddha Nature : A Festschrift in Honor of Minoru Kiyota, Tokyo : Buddhist Books International, 1990. 本文为黎惠伦于其多篇有关中国佛教的英文论着中,少数讨论佛性思想的文章之一。
- On the stand, Minoru recants his confession: When Chieko fell on the bridge, he says, he tried to help her up, but she slipped off. 但法庭上,秀否认了自己先前的证词:千惠子要掉下去的时候他试着拉她上来,但是没有成功。
- Although Sony committed itself to attaining profitability by2007 and a5 per cent operating profit margin by March2008, this had also failed to convince, Mr Takada said. 高田先生说,尽管索尼承诺在2007年前盈利,2008年3月前营运利润率达5%25但这些也无法让人信服。
- World know authority in chemistry, Dr.Maki Takada of Toho University, Japan, commented: negative Ions have excellent effects on the body’s fluids, cells and nerves. 国际知名化学权威 日本东帮大学高田莳博士认为:“负离子疗法对全身的体液、细胞、神经给予非常好的作用,不但能改善内脏器官、组织的机能也能调整自律神经内分泌。”
- Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 15, Issue 16, 1 November 2007, Pages 1559-1567 | Sarkar, S.K.; Saha, M.; Takada, H.; Bhattacharya, A.; Mishra, P.; Bhattacharya, B. 免责声明:本站数据全部由蜘蛛程序自动抓取而来,且仅提供文章链接及部分摘要信息,文章所持观点和本站无关,请点击原文链接查看原作者和出处!