- 五层非线性平板波导TE模的特性 Characteristic of TE Modes in Five-layer Nonlinear Planar Waveguides
- 空心平板光波导中三脉冲TE模光子回波 Three-Pulse TE Mode Photon Echo in Hollow Slab Optical Waveguides
- 渐变折射率介质片内TE模分布的矩阵方法研究 Study on Transfer Matrix Method of TE-Mode Distributing in the Dielectric Slice with Gradual-Variation Refraction Index
- 从理论上分析了入射到调制器的偏振态偏离TE模时对外调制光发射机组合二次失真(CSO)和组合三次差拍(CTB)的影响。 Influence of the incident polarization state drifting off TE mode on composite second order distortion (CSO) and composite triple beat distortion (CTB) of an optical fiber AM CATV externally modulated transmitter is analysed theoretically.
- 模的 modular
- 模数 modulus
- 模组 card of pattern
- 数学建模 Mathematical Modeling
- 模态 mode
- 弹性模量 elasticity modulus
- 模量 modulus
- 制模 patternmaking
- 多模 multimode
- 压模 die mold
- 数模 digifax
- 刀模 cutting die
- 凹模 lower die
- 单模 single mode
- 模架 die carrier
- 上模 pattern cope