- TAB and Tetanus Vaccine 伤寒副伤寒甲乙和破伤风疫苗[生物制剂]
- typhoid-paratyphoid A and B and tetanus vaccine 寒甲乙和破伤风疫苗
- Analysis of causes in leading to the adverse reactions in babies and infants injected with pertussis,diph-theria and tetanus vaccines. 百白破疫苗,,百白破疫苗;局部硬结;原因,摘要,关键词,1资料与方法,2结果,3讨论,参考文献
- Select the protocol tab and un-check all protocol except modem. 选择Protocolstab, 不要选取所有的协议,除Modem之外。
- Tab and delete all unnecessary signers. 选项卡并删除所有多余的签名者。
- Tab and double-click the Foreach Loop. 选项卡,然后双击Foreach循环。
- Tab and drag it to the bottom edge of the pane. 选项卡,并将其拖动到面板底部。
- Click the Slides tab and select the slide you want. 单击“幻灯片”选项卡并选择您需要的幻灯片。
- Jane paid the tab and left quietly. 简付帐后就悄悄地走了。
- pertussis and tetanus vaccine 百日咳白喉破伤风三联疫苗
- Diphtheria and Tetanus Vaccine 白喉-破伤风菌苗[生物制剂]
- typhoid and tetanus vaccine 伤寒破伤风疫苗
- Select the protocol tab and un check all protocol except modem. 选择Protocols tab,不要选取所有的协议,除 Modem 之外。
- Select the Advanced tab and click the Environment Variables button. 选择“高级”选项卡并点击“环境变量”按钮。
- Tab and add the external JAR files from the lib directory. 选项卡并从lib目录添加外部JAR文件。
- TAB vaccine and tetanus toxoid combined 伤寒、副伤寒甲乙菌苗和破伤风类毒素混合制剂
- All Subscriptions tab and Subscription Watch List tab. “所有订阅”选项卡和“订阅监视列表”选项卡。
- To add a new group, select the Groups tab and click Add group. 要添加一个新的组,选择组选项卡,点击添加组。
- Select the call tab and uncheck all of the checked boxes. 选择Callingtab,不要选取已经选过的框。
- Methods: The antipyretic effect of the mistura was observed using rabbits fever model (by injection pertussis dyphtheria tetanus vaccine). 方法:采用百白破三联菌苗所致家兔发热模型观察药物的解热作用;