- Swida wilsoniana Wanger 光皮树
- Comus wilsoniana Wanger. 光皮树
- Swida wilsoniana n. 光皮梾木
- Swida wilsoniana (Wanger.)Sojak 光皮树
- Achillea wilsoniana (Heim.) Heim. 西南蓍草
- Ligularia wilsoniana(Hemsl.)Greenm. 鄂贵橐吾
- I just told him afterward that it was going to be Wanger, and he said, 'Fine. 我只是告诉他最后决定是王上场并且他表示好呀!
- Frenette PS,Wanger DD.Adhesion molecule-part 1.N Engi J Med,1996,334:1526. 唐敏.;胎盘病理学
- Meanwhile, lots of Taiwanese flags here at the stadium. The Wanger has a lot of fans in the Windy City. 这时候;已经有很多球迷在场中摇旗呐喊了...在芝加哥;小王的球迷可真不少啊...
- The Wanger was hilarious to watch. He showed far more emotion playing video golf then I've seen on the field. 看小王打这个是很好笑的,他打这个远比在场上有更多的表情哦!
- Derek Jeter, who also enjoys talking with the Wanger, asked if Taiwan had paparazzi. 基特,一样很喜欢跟王说话,问王台湾有没有狗仔队。
- Though he did give up 3 runs, the more important thing was giving the bullpen a rest after yesterday's debacle. A tale of two cities for Wanger today. 虽然他确实掉了三分,更重要的是他让我们昨天刚经历过大混战的牛棚可以好好休息,今天公演戏码乃是"王氏双城记"
- Meanwhile, another Japanese star who is a good guy, Hideki Matsui, just delivered an RBI single to give the Yanks a 1-0 lead. Make it stand up, Wanger. 同时,另一名日本选手也是个不错的傢伙:松井秀喜。他刚才打回一支带有一分打点的安打,让洋基以1:0领先,这可以让我们的先发用很久了:小王!!!
- Keywords swida (cornus walteri wanger;fruit oil;triterpenoid;sterol.; 毛梾;果实油;三萜;甾醇;
- C. F. Wanger, G. D. McCann and G.L.MacLane, “Shielding of Transmission Lines”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 60, No. 4, pp. 318-328, 1991. 江荣城,“订定变电所地网故障电流计算准则及未来计画接地故障电流成长裕度完成报告”,台湾电力公司,民国95年12月。
- We have whole set Sheetmetal Machinery, laser cutting machine of BYSTRONIC Group in Switzerland, have Automatic Spraying equipment and production line of WANGER in Germany. 公司产品广泛服务于航空、航天、军工、电子、通信、机械、化工、医药、汽车、摩托车、生物、农业、气象、环保、建材等领域。
- Cairo MS,Wanger JE.Placental and/or umbilical cord blood:an alternazive source of hematopoietic stem cells for transplantation[J].Blood,1997,90(12):4665. 张秀文.;姬松茸对正常小鼠骨髓造血干祖细胞的影响[J]
- Damon: Wanger pitched very good, too. So that was definitely great. It was nice to give Wanger some breathing room, and he took care of business from there. 戴蒙:王今天球投得很好;这当然是很棒的事.;我们(用打线火力)给王制造一些喘息的空间;接下来就由他把球赛搞定
- Sect. Swida. n. 棍棒形花柱组
- Achillea wilsoniana Heim. 西南蓍草