- Surirella tenera n. 柔双菱藻
- Physic-chemical properties and extractions of the red pigment in flowers of Verbena tenera were investigated. 研究了细叶美女樱花红色素的提取条件和理化性质。
- Dominant species comprised Synedra ulna var.oxyrhynchus,Gyrosigma spencerii,Cymbella tumida,Surirella ovata,with the proportion of 13.42%,12.56%,14.00%,9.88% respectively. 优势种为肘状针杆藻尖喙变种、斯氏布纹藻、膨胀桥弯藻和卵形双菱藻等;它们在各站点中都有分布;分别占总数的13.;42%25、12
- The cross-compatibility of inter-specific cross in Verbena tenera 1 and Verbena hortensis BZ was studied by compatible index and fluoroscope observation methods. 摘要通过亲和指数测定和荧光显微观察对细叶美女樱1号和美女樱BZ种间杂交亲和性进行了研究。
- Porphyra tenera Kjellm. 沿海滩涂甘紫菜
- Rhaphoneis surirella var. australis n. 双菱缝舟藻澳洲变种
- Surirella fastuosa var. suborbicularis n. 壮双菱藻近圆变种
- Surirella elegans var. norvegica n. 美丽双菱藻挪威变种
- Andrographis tenera (Nees) O.Kuntze 白花穿心莲
- Bulbochaete tenera var. kwangtungensis n. 柔弱毛鞘藻广东变种
- Surirella liaotuugiensis var. minuta n. 辽东双菱藻小型变种
- Surirella fastuosa var. spinlifera n. 华壮双菱藻具刺变种
- Bulbochaete tenera var. longispora n. 柔弱毛鞘藻长孢变种
- Porphyra tenera Kjellm in coastal beach 沿海滩涂甘紫菜
- Surirella fastuosa var. plusieura n. 华壮双菱藻普鲁斯变种
- Study on Cultivation Techniques of Verbena tenera Speng 细叶美女樱栽培技术及应用研究
- Selective breeding and application of male-sterile series Verbena tenera 雄性不育系列细叶美女樱选育及应用
- Keywords Verbena tenera;pigment;extraction;physic-chemical property; 细叶美女樱;色素;提取;理化性质;
- spore meiosis with Ulva spp.Ectocarpus confercoides, Laminaria japonica, Undaria pinnatifida, Porphyra tenera. 石莼、水云、海带、裙带菜、甘紫菜可观察孢子型减数分裂生活史;
- Surirella striolata n. 具小条纹双菱藻