- Surirella chilensis n. 智利双菱藻
- Austrocedrus chilensis (D.Don) Pic-Serm. & Bizzari 植物更多的照片这里可以看.
- Carica chilensis (Planch. ex A.DC. ) Solms 植物更多的照片这里可以看.
- Berberis chilensis Gillies ex Hook. et Arn. var. chilensis 植物更多的照片这里可以看.
- Dominant species comprised Synedra ulna var.oxyrhynchus,Gyrosigma spencerii,Cymbella tumida,Surirella ovata,with the proportion of 13.42%,12.56%,14.00%,9.88% respectively. 优势种为肘状针杆藻尖喙变种、斯氏布纹藻、膨胀桥弯藻和卵形双菱藻等;它们在各站点中都有分布;分别占总数的13.;42%25、12
- A feather-leaved palm(Jubaea chilensis) native to Chile, having a thick trunk from which is obtained a sugary sap used for making wine and a kind of honey, and widely cultivated as an ornamental in warm dry regions. 智利蜜棕一种原产于智利的羽状叶棕榈(智利蜜棕蜜棕属),其粗厚树干可榨出甜汁液,可用来制造葡萄糖及一种蜂蜜,在温暖干旱地区作为观赏植物被广泛种植
- Prosopis chilensis L. 智利牧豆
- Rhaphoneis surirella var. australis n. 双菱缝舟藻澳洲变种
- Surirella fastuosa var. suborbicularis n. 壮双菱藻近圆变种
- Surirella elegans var. norvegica n. 美丽双菱藻挪威变种
- Surirella liaotuugiensis var. minuta n. 辽东双菱藻小型变种
- Surirella fastuosa var. spinlifera n. 华壮双菱藻具刺变种
- Surirella fastuosa var. plusieura n. 华壮双菱藻普鲁斯变种
- a feather-leaved palm(Jubaea chilensis) native to Chile,having a thick trunk from which is obtained a sugary sap used for making wine and a kind of honey,and widely cultivated as an ornamental in warm dry regions. 智利蜜棕,一种原产于智利的羽状叶棕榈(智利蜜棕蜜棕属),其粗厚树干可榨出甜汁液,可用来制造葡萄糖及一种蜂蜜,在温暖干旱地区作为观赏植物被广泛种植
- Tonicia chilensis Frembly n. 智利斑石鳖(新石鳖目;石鳖科)
- Prosopis chilensis [医] 智利豆胶树
- Minidiscus chilensis n. 智利小盘藻
- Paracaudina chilensis n. 海棒槌
- Surirella striolata n. 具小条纹双菱藻
- Surirella striatula n. 具条纹双菱藻