- He himself helps out with Sunday school. 他靠周日学校解决问题。
- Welcome to S-Word EFC Sunday School! 欢迎加入为道播道会儿童主日学!
- Betty taught that Sunday school class for twenty years. 贝蒂在那个主日学校班教了20年。
- Is that all you go to Sunday school for, just to earn bars? 你上主日学校就是为那个吗?就为得奖牌吗?
- And some of you learned it in Sunday school and I did. 你们之中有些人在主日学听过,我也是。
- You used to teach my Sunday School, when I was only eight. 你曾经教导主日学,那时我才八岁。
- Your mother was calling to ask if you were at the Sunday school. 你妈妈打电话问你是不是在主日学校。
- Miss Swan couldn't take being a Sunday school teacher any longer. 斯万小姐再也受不了主日学校教师的这一工作了。
- Sunday School teacher: Hands up all those who want to go to Heaven? 主日学校的教员:想去天堂的人举起手来,把手举起来。。。
- Please join us in Sunday School and lunch fellowship after worship. 崇拜后欢迎大家参加主日学及午餐。
- Charges against the Sunday school teacher also include rape. 这名主日学校的老师的罪名还包括强奸。
- This thing overthrew all truths I learned from Sunday school. 这件事把我从周日学校学到的所有道理都颠覆了。
- The Sunday School teacher is expounding scripture right now. 主日学的教师正在讲解经文。
- It took two months to find a new replacement for that Sunday school class. 过了2个月才为那个主日学校班找到新的老师。
- Even after receiving the "right hand of fellowship," Sunday school bored me. 即使是在获得了“准许入伙”之后,主日学报还是使我感到枯燥无味。
- Even after receiving the "right hand of fellowship", Sunday school bored me. 即使是在获得了“准许入伙”之后,主日学报还是使我感到枯燥无味。
- Did I get it from my church or my Sunday School where I sat every Sunday? 是每星期日我到教会上主日学时学习来的吗?
- Please return this form and material fee $6 to your Sunday school teacher. 请交此表格及六元材料费与本班导师.
- In Sunday school, the minister was trying to illustrate the word miracle. 在主日学校里,牧师正试图举例说明“奇迹”一词的意义。
- Do we show respect to our pastors, missionaries, Sunday school teachers? 我们有没有尊敬牧师、宣教士,以及主日学的老师?