- 遗传学科学的创立者(1822-1884)。 founder of the science of genetics (1822-1884).
- 奥金莱克,C.J.E.(1884-1981) Claude John Eyre Auchinleck (1884~1981)
- 1953-1957年间 the period between 1953 and 1957
- 策梅洛,E.F.F.(1871-1953) Ernst Friedrich Ferdinand Zermelo (1871~1953)
- 中央公园黄昏即景 莎拉?梯斯戴尔(1884-1933) 王道余 译 Central Park at Dusk Sara Teasdale (1884-1933)
- 徐悲鸿(1895-1953)是江苏宜兴人, Xu Beihong (1895-1953) was a native of Yixing, Jiangsu Province.
- 中美敌对关系的形成(1949-1953) The Formation of Sino-American Antagonistic Relation (1949-1953)
- 塔克,索菲叶1884-1966俄裔美国艺员,以其夸张的轻松歌舞剧表演及签名歌曲“近来的一些日子”而闻名 American anarchist whose own writings and translations of Proudhon and Bakunin influenced American radical thought before World War I.
- 艾奇逊与美国的对台政策(1949-1953) Dean Acheson and the USA Policy toward Taiwan
- 迈尔霍夫,奥托1884-1951德裔美国生理学家,因发现肌肉代谢中氧耗与乳酸生产间的关系,与人共获1922年诺贝尔奖 German-born American physiologist. He shared a1922 Nobel Prize for his discovery of the relationship between consumption of oxygen and production of lactic acid in muscles.
- 艾森豪威尔政府对联邦德国政策新探(1953-1960) A New Approach to the Policy of Eisenhower Administration towards Federal Republic of Germany (1953 -1960)
- 马林诺团体斯基,布伦尼斯洛 卡斯佩1884-1942波兰裔英国人类社会学家,坚持认为习俗和信仰具有特定的社会功能 Polish-born British anthropologist who maintained that customs and beliefs have specific social functions.
- 试论1953-1957年江苏农村体育平稳发展中的得与失 Gain and Loss in the Steady Development of Rural Sports in Jiangsu in 1953-1957
- 芬克,卡齐米尔1884-1967出生于波兰的美籍生化学家,他在研究营养缺乏病时发现了维生素并于1912年加以命名 Polish-born American biochemist whose research of deficiency diseases led to his discovery of vitamins, which he named in1912.
- 迈尔霍夫,奥托1884-1951德裔美国生理学家,因发现肌肉代谢中氧耗与乳酸生产间的关系,与人共获1922年诺贝尔奖。 German-born American physiologist. He shared a1922 Nobel Prize for his discovery of the relationship between consumption of oxygen and production of lactic acid in muscles.
- 从1953至1990年,国民生产总值年均增长6.9%;从1979至1990年,国民生产总值年均增长8.8%。 The annual increase of GNP was 6.9 percent during the 1953-90 period and 8.8 percent during the 1979-90 period.
- 莫迪利亚尼,阿梅代1884-1920意大利画家和雕塑家,以其雕塑和裸体画优美、拉长的线条而著称,包括斜卧的裸女(1917年) Italian painter and sculptor noted for the graceful, elongated lines of his portraits and nudes, including Reclining Nude(1917).
- 密立根,罗伯特·安德鲁1868-1953美国物理学家。他因测量电子电荷而获1923年诺贝尔奖。 American physicist. He won a1923 Nobel Prize for his measurement of the electron charge.
- 沃克,亨利·克莱1832-1884美国歌曲作家,以其在美国内战中的创作的联邦军歌曲而著名,包括《巴比伦被推翻》(1863年)。 American songwriter noted for his Union compositions during the Civil War,including
- 对吉林省中西部半干旱地区(以长岭为例)1953-2001年实测降水和空气相对湿度资料进行了分析。 The observed data of precipitation and air humidity of the dry Middle West of Jilin province from 1953 to 2001 were analyzed.