- inflammatory stricture of vas deferens 炎性输精管狭窄
- Stricture of vas deferens 输精管狭窄
- Laser scanning confocal microscopy and elect ronic microscopy were used in studying the structure of vas deferens and spermio genesis. 采用激光扫描共聚焦显微镜及电子显微镜技术,对中国对虾输精管结构及精子的形成过程进行研究。
- The first identification mutations of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene in Chinese patients with congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens. 关键词:输精管;畸形;基因;突变;囊性纤维病;聚合酶链反应
- The male reproductive system is distinguished by a pair of testes,a pair of vas deferens,a pair of male accessory glands,one ejaculatory duct and copulatory organ. 雄性生殖系统由一对睾丸、一对输精管、一对附腺、射精管和交配器组成。
- The male reproductive system is distinguished by a pair of testes, a pair of vas deferens, a pair of male accessory glands, one ejaculatory duct and copulatory organ. 雄性生殖系统由一对睾丸、一对输精管、一对附腺、射精管和交配器组成。
- This may indicate that after electroejaculation, the sperms accumulate in the posterior segment of vas deferens and the opening of the seminal vesicle just before they ejaculated out. 而且在贮精囊问口处亦有部份死亡精虫聚集,其数目亦明显高于正常大白鼠之贮精囊开口处,这显示电激后精虫聚集在贮精囊开口再排出是最可能的反应机转。
- congenital atresia of vas deferens 先天性输精管闭锁
- Congenital Bilateral Absence of Vas Deferens 先天性双侧输精管缺如
- Congenital abnormality of vas deferens 输精管先天性异常
- electrocoagulation of vas deferens 输精管电凝绝育
- Congenital absence of vas deferens 先天性输精管缺失
- Congenital anomaly of vas deferens 先天性输精管异常
- Incision and exploration of vas deferens 输精管切开探查术
- Incision of abscess of vas deferens 输精管脓肿切开术
- Reestablishment of continuity of vas deferens 输精管连续再建立
- Diverticula of ampulla of vas deferens 输精管壶腹憩室
- Removal of foreign body of vas deferens 输精管异物除去术
- Removal of ligature of vas deferens 输精管结扎线除去术
- Removal of valve of vas deferens 输精管瓣膜除去术