- Stictodiscus varians n. 变异斑盘藻
- Answers to Exercises- Hal Varian . 好东西,不用介绍了。
- Use Varian for under, and mascolle for graduate. make more sense. 而边际收益递减规律 其实也就是指的后面的趋势。
- "I thank you," Varian said, though his lower lip trembled slightly. “感谢您,”瓦里安回答道,他的嘴唇还是有点发抖。
- Studies on Asplenium varians Wall. ex Hook. et Grev. and confused species. 变异铁角蕨和其混淆种的正误研究.
- Varian will continue to provide support for your applications and products. 瓦里安将继续为您提供应用支持和产品。
- Varian FDF to dicom converter build on the FDF reader by Sharon Zhang. (译):瓦里安电影发展基金转换为DICOM标准的基础上,电影发展基金读者沙龙张。
- Varian is the first choice for many first-class cancer treatment centers. 瓦里安是很多一流癌症治疗中心的首选合作企业。
- Varian said.“But for search, we’re competing on a click-by-click basis. “但是对于搜索,我们是在点击的基础上竞争。”
- "Your Majesty," Terenas greeted Varian, bowing to him as to an equal. “向您致敬,陛下,”泰瑞纳斯走上前来,向瓦里安鞠躬问候,好像两人的地位是对等的。
- Her paternal aunt, Mrs. Varian, once spread the rumor that Isabel was writing a book. 她的姑妈瓦里安太太有一次散布谣言,说伊莎贝尔正在写一本书。
- All patients were treated by IMRT with PEACOCK-MIMiC system ( CORVUS 3. 0 NOMOS CORPORATION) and VARIAN 6MV-photons. 采用美国VARIAN的6MV-X线直线加速器,NOMOS的PEACOCK调强适形放射治疗计划系统。
- An improved FID design made by Varian Chromatography Systems was introduced briefly. 简要地介绍了Varian色谱公司对火焰离子化检测器的一项技术改进。
- Lothar and Prince Varian were already striding up the palace’s wide steps and Khadgar quickly joined them. 做完这一切后才突然发现洛萨和瓦里安王子已经走上了阶梯,他急忙赶了上去。
- Varian said: "The bad weather on Google is a good thing, as long as not too bad on the trip. 瓦里安说:“坏天气对谷歌是好事,只要不是太糟糕就行”。
- Varian entered into the Chinese market in 1983, and has opened its new facility in BDA in July 2007. 该公司于1983年进入中国市场,2007年7月在北京经济技术开发区建立了新工厂。
- Describes the maintaining methods and discuses the causes of COLL interlock in Varian LINAC 2300C/D linear accelerator. 介绍和讨论瓦里安2300C/D直线加速器COLL联锁故障的发生原因和检修。
- Certainly he will know Varian, and the messenger will make sure he is aware of our arrival. “虽然暴风王国已经消失,但瓦里安依旧是她的王子,而我也依旧是她的战士。
- After the events of the last arc, King Varian and Prince Anduin must return home. 接上回,瓦里安和安度因王子必须回家。