- Stantonia sauteri n. 索氏角室茧蜂
- Effects of breaking diapause on the reproduction of Orius sauteri overwintering adults. 人为打破滞育对东亚小花蝽越冬成虫生殖的影响。
- The results indicated that growing vetch in apple orchards could promote the propagation of O. sauteri Poppius. 果园间作毛叶苕子更利于叶螨天敌东亚小花蝽的春季繁殖。
- The detection rate of B. tabaci DNA in predators, such as the larvae of P. japonica, Harmonia axyridis, Chrysopa spp. , adult Orius sauteri and spiders, was over 50%. 在所检测的4类群9种捕食性天敌中,龟纹瓢虫幼虫、异色瓢虫幼虫、草蛉幼虫及东亚小花蝽成虫和蜘蛛对烟粉虱捕食作用的检出率高于50%25。
- Study on developmental threshold temporature and thermal constant of Orius sauteri 东亚小花蝽发育起点温度和有效积温的研究
- The Mass Rearing Technique of Predatory Bug, Orius Sauteri(Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) 东亚小花蝽人工大量饲养技术研究
- Stantonia angustata n. 窄角室茧蜂
- Stantonia n. 角室茧蜂属
- Stantonia achterbergi n. 阿氏角室茧蜂;新种
- Stantonia chaoi n. 赵氏角室茧蜂;新种
- Stantonia issikii n. 黄角室茧蜂
- Stantonia qui n. 屈氏角室茧蜂;新种
- Stantonia ruficornis n. 红角角室茧蜂
- Stantonia sumatrana n. 苏门答腊角室茧蜂
- Stantonia tianmushana n. 天目山角室茧蜂;新种
- Xylocopa collaris sauteri n. 领木蜂萨氏亚种
- Stantonia xiangqianensis n. 湘黔角室茧蜂;新种
- Orius sauteri n. 东亚小花蝽
- Aphrodisium sauteri 台湾柄天牛
- Coelioxys sauteri n. 萨氏尖腹蜂