- Spinel facies 尖晶石相
- You may call my facies whimsical. 你可以把我这些想法称为异想天开。
- A bauxite spinel castable for furnish is prepared. 研制了矾土尖晶石钢包浇注料。
- All the exsolution lamellae are brown spinel. 蚀变辉长岩中的斜方辉石已经完全蛇纹石化(保留了斜方辉石假象),斜长石完全被水钙铝榴石交代(保留斜长石假象),但单斜辉石保存完好,且发育由尖晶石叶片(棒)构成的出溶结构。
- Its facies, structure and geneses are complicated. 其岩相、结构构造、成因复杂。
- They belong to the amphibolite facies. 属于角闪岩相产物。
- Coated spinel color pigments, process for their production and use. 涂覆尖晶石色料及其生产工艺与使用。
- The sedimentary members are largely turbidites of greywacke facies. 沉积岩的组成大部分为杂砂岩相的浊积岩。
- The spinel lamellae (or leafs) are parallel to each other. 棕褐色的尖晶石出溶棒(或叶片)一般完全平行,个别情况下发现两组近于直交的尖晶石出溶棒。
- Clastic facies pattern recognition is somewhat systematic. 碎屑岩相模式的识别是带有一定系统性的。
- The sediments are detrital and largely of greywacke facies. 沉积岩为碎屑质,大部分属于杂质砂岩相。
- The orebearing sequence is littoral-lagoon sedimentary facies. 层状、似层状铝土矿规模大、品位高,主要分布于豫西地区;
- Green is a low-level multi-amphibolite facies of the green. 绿岩多属低级角闪岩相到绿片岩相。
- Clastic facies pattern recognition is somewhat systematic . 碎屑岩相模式的识别是带有一定系统性的。
- The upper subfacies of effusive facies is the best reservoir. 其中喷溢相上部亚相是储层物性最好的岩相带。
- Metamorphic facies map of Taiwan. Spec. Publ. Geol. Surv., 2, 32p. 陈肇夏、朱效祖(1983)台湾变质相图。经济部中央地质调查所特刊,第2号,附图。
- This is a blue colour stain with a spinel structure, widely used in glazes. 这浅蓝色料具有尖晶石结构,广泛适用于不釉中。
- In this paper, the LiMn_20_4 spinel compound was prepared by the sol-gelmethod. 本文采用溶胶-凝胶法合成包覆基体材料LiMn_20_4尖晶石。
- Spinel containing refractories are widely used in metallurgical industry. 含尖晶石的耐火材料广泛应用于冶金行业。
- Facies of species are often connected with extreme or disturbed habitats. 植物种的群常与严酷或干扰的生境有联系。