- Ham lost his life to save me from the storm at sea. 哈姆为把我从海上的风暴中救出来而失去了生命。
- Spanky Ham n. 斯潘其·汉姆;动画系列片《卡通明星大乱斗》中的人物
- He tucked into the ham hungrily. 他狼吞虎咽地大吃火腿。
- He had three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth. 他有三个儿子:闪、含、和雅弗。
- This ham has too much fat on it. 这火腿肥肉太多。
- Skip the ham steak. I'll have a lobster plate, too. 火腿排就算了。我也要一盘龙虾。
- She bought a packet of shaved ham. 她买了一包切成薄片的火腿。
- She has learned to smoke fish and ham. 她学会了熏鱼和火腿。
- I had ham and eggs for breakfast. 早饭我吃了火腿与蛋。
- The actor is really ham it up to amuse the audience. 这些演员为博观众一笑,表演得实在太过火了。
- Just gonna spank your butt, spanky on the butt. 就是在脑袋上打一下,打在脑袋上。
- Pork or bacon cut from between the ham and shoulder of a pig. 肋条肉猪的腿与肩之间切下的肉或用这类肉腌成的腌肉
- I would like to have some ham and eggs. 我想要一些火腿和鸡蛋。
- She heaped chicken and ham upon her plate. 她把鸡子火腿堆了她一盘子。
- But you give me a ham and cheese sandwich,instead. 但你却给了我火腿三明治。
- Would you like ham or bacon with your eggs? 您想在鸡蛋里面放火腿还是咸肉呢?
- The ham frizzled in the frying pan. 火腿在煎锅中咝咝作响。
- Johnny tucked into the cold ham. 约翰尼狼吞虎咽地吃下了冷火腿。
- They take some bread and ham to make sandwiches. 他们买了一些面包和火腿做三明治。
- Exercise place: Lumbar abdomen muscle, ham muscle. 锻炼部位:腰腹肌肉、大腿肌肉。