- Jacket importers & exporters, China Company - Changsha Wri.. 中才网--职位预览--长沙岳迩股份有限公司
- They are 700 sailors of the 17 vessels from the China Company in Shanghai . 他们是在上海的中国公司的17艘轮船上的700名水手。
- The investors of CLC should be Chinese or China Company no foreign shareholder. 中外合资企业,中方必须是一家成立一年以上的公司,自然人不可以为股东。
- Familiar with China Company Law, Local Accounting Regulation and other relative laws. 熟悉公司法、会计准则以及其他相关法律、法规。
- The investors of CLC should be Chinese or China Company, no foreign shareholder. 内资企业的投资方必须全部都是国内个人或是国内公司。
- Foliaceous continuous heavy rain lays general manager of department of career of personal computer of IBM China company attended today's news briefing. IBM中国公司个人电脑事业部总经理叶霖生出席了今天的发布会。
- Bonzi you'd better work hard. According to his talent, and he is with Rockets, he should get a deal with some China company? 棒子,你最好好好努力。以他的天赋,还有他是火箭队员,他应该也能从什么中国公司那里得到合约吧?
- Hanli beyond complement says, below this kind of circumstance, if individual China company is driven, antitrust investigation is more incidental. 韩立余补充说,在这种情况下,假如有个别中国公司推动,反垄断调查就更轻易发生。
- ESTN Group was established by Singapore Comany and China Company together since 1996.It\'s international and professional scaffolding Multi-Enter-prise Group. ESTN集团是由英国和新加坡三家公司共同投资组建。
- It is learnt that the development of information from the capital and IBM China Company Ltd. formal cooperation projects will effectively promote the "Digital Beijing" building. 据悉,这一由首都信息发展股份有限公司以及IBM中国公司正式合作的项目,将有力地推动“数字北京”的建设。
- Cameron Mackintosh, the impresario whose theatrical spectacles have helped transform Broadway and London's West End, says his new China company will change this country, too. 国家大剧院副院长邓一江在为大剧院进行调研时曾前往美国百老汇进行参观。
- I'm sony, but we're sold out of small sizes. 对不起,小号的我们都卖完了。
- It flies by what labour union of substation of Guangzhou telegraphic data invests China company operation, latter is taken over in Zhang Jingjun hind, profit rises decuple. 它由广州电信数据分局工会投资的飞华公司运营,后者在张静君接手后,利润提高十倍。
- The proposed Director of the China company Lorraine Middleton will be permanently based in China in her commitment to her role as General Manager of the company. 估计工厂开始的时候车间工人大约15人管理人员4人。人员人数将会根据需求不断扩大。
- Interlink Electronics China Company Limited, a newly founded company with headquarters Interlink Electronics in California, USA is welcoming the talents joining. 亿达利电子(深圳)有限公司是一家新成立不久的公司,总部在美国加利弗尼亚州。
- Be in early 1996, sybase China company was signed with the railway ministry " put on sale of railroad passenger ticket and book a system " project contract. 早在1996年,Sybase中国公司就与铁道部签订了“铁路客票发售与预订系统”项目合同。
- For China companies listed on SGX, our detail reports are translated into Chinese for the China directors. 对于在新交所上市的中国公司,我们会将详细报告翻译成中文以便中国的董事们翻阅。
- It is a distribution centre of alloy steel pipes/tubes appointed by Sinopec, associator unit of No.1 Energy Sources Net of Petrol China Company Limited and first-degree supplier for the Group. 是中国石化股份有限公司指定的合金钢管配送中心,中国石油“能源一号网”会员单位和集团公司一级供应网络企业。
- In the searching of surviving way,China companies also need behavior guide to solve the "Do what" and "How to do" problems. 战略管理的起源就是解决“做什么”,而现在还需要它来解决“怎么做”的问题,也就是如何在实践中能指导企业管理层来决策自身的行为。
- Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中国的首都。