- Itcontains general rare plants and plant albumin anthocyanidin, richvitamins and soluble dietary fibre. 它含有一般植物少有的植物性白蛋白及花青素、丰富的维生素和水溶性膳食纤维。
- Soy fibre was extruded after pretreatment with alkali or acid.The results showed that eitherconcentration or strength of acid had a benificial effect on soluble dietary fibre (SDF) conversion. 研究了酸碱预处理与挤压联合对大豆纤维进行加工的作用,结果表明:酸的浓度和强度以及碱浓度和水的数量对可溶性纤维(SDF)的转化都有利。
- Lentinus edodes stipe. The effect of factors of extraction and extrusion technology on soluble dietary fibre (SDF) level were investigated and the processing condition was optimized. 采用挤压的方法提高香菇柄膳食纤维的水溶性,对挤压工艺和提取工艺因素对可溶性膳食纤维(SDF)得率的影响作了探讨,并对挤压工艺条件进行了优化。
- Study on the technology of extracting soluble dietary fibre from peanut residue 花生麸水溶性膳食纤维提取工艺的研究
- Keywords apple pomace;soluble dietary fibre;acidity extraction;alkalinity extraction; 苹果渣;可溶性膳食纤维;酸法提取;碱法提取;
- water extraction,enzymolysis and fermentation with microorganism were used to produce soluble dietary fibre from bean dregs. 分别用三种方法即直接水浸提法、酶解法、生物发酵法对从豆渣中制备可溶性膳食纤维进行了研究。
- Soluble dietary fibre 水溶性膳食纤维
- the manufacture method, structure, properties, specification, physiological funcitions and application of water soluble dietary fibre polydextrose were reviewed in the present paper. 本文介绍了水溶性膳食纤维右旋多聚葡萄糖的制造方法、结构、性能、规格、生理功能和应用情况。
- Rich in sugar and dietary fibre. 含丰富糖份及膳食纤维。
- This muesli contains both soluble and insoluble dietary fibre,and has no added sugar or raisins. 这种营养早餐包含可溶性和不可溶性膳食纤维没有添加糖和葡萄干。
- These physiological effects are typical of those of soluble dietary fiber. 这些生理效果是可溶性膳食纤维的典型
- It is particularly useful as a source of dietary fibre. 草特别适合于作为食物中纤维的来源。
- Many doctors prefer a natural food, rich in dietary fibre, which will help you to avoid constipation, rather than having to resort to purgatives. The reason is obvious-prevention is always better than cure. 许多医生推荐含有丰富食物纤维的天然食物,因为它有助于防止便秘,以取代万不得已而使用的泻药。原因显而易见-治病总是不如防病。
- Soluble dietary fiber isolated from spent grains was mixed with defatted milk and fermented by Lactobacillus. 以啤酒糟为原料,提取可溶性膳食纤维,后者与脱脂乳混合,接入乳酸菌发酵。
- The dietary fibre was extracted with acid hydrolysis from burdock dregs. 以牛蒡渣为原料,提取水溶性膳食纤维和水不溶性膳食纤维。
- Polydextrose a new soluble dietary fiber can't be determined by AOAC method 985.29 the official method for testing TDF. 新型水溶性膳食纤维聚葡萄糖不能被测定总膳食纤维(TDF)的AOAC方法985.;29定量测定;从而影响了其推广应用。
- Indigestible dextrin is produced from starch, which is one kind of soluble dietary fiber. 难消化糊精是以淀粉为原料制造的,是水溶性膳食纤维的一种。
- The technology of wheat bran extrusion technology was studied to increase its content of soluble dietary fiber. 研究了以小麦麸皮为原料,经挤压改性使其可溶物含量增加的生产工艺。
- Objective To test the possible preparation of soluble dietary fiber(SDF) from Plantago asiatica by using ultra filtration. 目的探讨超滤膜分离法制备车前草可溶性膳食纤维的可行性。
- The optimum conditions of the extraction of soluble dietary fiber from brewer's spent grains by chemical methods and enzymic methods was studied. 探讨了采用碱法和酶解法提取啤酒糟中水溶性膳食纤维的工艺条件。