- Chicano literature boomed in the social movements of the 1960s. 奇卡诺文学勃兴于20世纪60年代社会运动的高潮中。
- American women study has close relations with west feminism thoughts and various social movements. 美国妇女史研究的发展与西方女性主义思潮、种社会运动息息相关。
- The War upset the whole world, and it did the ordinary social movements no good-at least, I feel that way. 大战骚扰了全世界,它没有给一般的社会运动带来好处--至少,我认为是如此。
- Hsiao argues that the impact of social movements on social development is positive for both the short and long term. 因此,社会运动对整体社会的发展,不论就短期或长远来说,都具有相当正面的影响。
- Urban social movements have not disappeared, by any means.But they have mutated . 无论如何,城市的社会运动并未消失,不过有所变异。
- Habermas , J . ( 1981) ,“New Social Movements”, Telos. 49(Fall) .Jonas , Andrew E. 在当前,中国群众维权运动本身已经开始发生结构性转化。
- The religious resurgence in the world and its politicization since the 1970s is an expressed form of social movements in the globalization context. 摘要1970年代以来全球宗教复兴和宗教政治的发展,是全球化背景下社会运动的一种形式和表现。
- We are seeking the support of the DGB union federation in Germany, the CGT in France, intellectuals, social movements and many different organisations. 我们现正寻求支持的dgb工会联合会,在德国,为 CGT ,在法国,知识分子,社会运动和许多不同的机构。
- Much will now turn on whether Mr Zelaya's supporters, who include trade unions, teachers and leftist social movements, are able to step up disruption. 接下来就要看塞拉亚的支持者们(主要包括贸易联盟、教师、左翼社会运动分子)有没有能力制造破坏了。
- As a typical facet of the contemporary American multi-cultural frame, Chicano literature boomed in the social movements of the 1960s. 摘要作为美国当代多元文化格局中的一种典型形态,奇卡诺文学勃兴于20世纪60年代社会运动的高潮中。
- Braungart, R. G. (1975), Youth and social movements, S. E. Dragastein &G. H. Elder, Jr., , Adolescence in the life cycle, , New York: Wiley. 杨国枢、黄俪莉(1984);大学生人生观的变迁:二十年后;台湾社会与文化变迁研讨会;.
- Reciprocally, the loosening of political control accelerated the further mobilization and formation of third-wave social movements, Hsiao goes on to explain. 相对地,政治控制力的松绑,加速第三波社会运动的动员和成形。
- Benford, Robert D.; Snow, David A. (2000): Framing Processes and Social Movements: An Overview and Assessment, in Annual Review of Sociology 26: 611-39. 林如森,2006,社会运动过程中的认同、共识动员与传播策略。台湾社会研究季刊,64:151-218
- In Honduras the army and all the main political parties are united in opposing Mr Zelaya, whose only backers are trade unions, leftist social movements and some among the poor. 在洪都拉斯,情况则不同,军队和主要政治党派都一致反对塞拉亚,总统的主要支持者只有工会、左派社会主义运动成员和一些穷人。
- In this effort to classify all the social movements, the assumption is that social movement itself can be treated as an emerging social reality. 归纳以上所述的十九种社会运动所获得的结论是,社会运动可被视为一种逐渐显现的社会现实。
- Unfortunately,it will take nothing short of a social movement to stop further increases. 遗憾的是,这些完全是为了阻止保护期的继续增长而进行的群众运动。
- Foreign Assistance and Social Movement Organizations in Russia: Creating Civil Society? 俄罗斯的外国资助和社会运动组织:创造市民社会?
- Unfortunately, it will take nothing short of a social movement to stop further increases. 遗憾的是,这些完全是为了阻止保护期的继续增长而进行的群众运动。
- Any resistance social movement, that is for to urge the strength exaltation of its inner part. 凡把压力加在这种组织上,那是为促使其内部的实力提高。
- While the social movement is in rapid growth, soon it would touch the issues of politicalization. 社会运动在蓬勃发展的同时,很快就碰触到政治化的课题。