- The mosquito is a transmitter of disease. 蚊子能传播疾病。
- After the scourge of war came the scourge of disease. 战乱之后瘟疫又接踵而来。
- A healthy animal, free of disease; free from need. 没有疾病的健康动物; 自给自足
- Leprosy is a kind of disease affecting the skin and nerves. 麻风病是一种影响皮肤和神经的疾病。
- It's a situation of dog-eat-dog and the devil take the hindmost. 这是一个自相残杀,落后遭殃的局面。
- If I had my way I'd make health catching instead of disease. 如果我可以随心所欲的话,我就会不让疾病而让健康来传染我了。
- Loss of strength or vigor, usually because of disease. 体力衰弱通常由于疾病而导致的力量或精力的丧失
- Outbreaks of disease occurred in the wake of the drought. 那场旱灾过後疾病丛生。
- In a situation of great difficulty or perplexity; helpless. 处于一个非常困难或迷惑的境地; 无助的
- What is the situation of Chinese children today? 如何看待中国儿童今天的状况呢?
- It is wrong to shrug off this kind of disease. 轻视这种疾病是不对的。
- The situation of the house was good. 房子的位置很好。
- A transmitter of disease; a transmitter of tall tales. 疾病传播者; 一个散布无稽之谈的人
- Introduce Functions and situation of ports briefly. 简要介绍港口的功能和现状。
- Crowded conditions favour the spread of disease. 拥挤的条件便于疾病传播。
- He spoke on the present situation of the world. 他谈到了有关当今世界的形势。
- General situation of studies on carex L. 苔草属植物研究概况。
- Dirt is the breeding-ground of disease. 污物是疾病的滋生地。
- Certainly, the situation of robot is still stern. 当然;机器人的形势依然严峻.
- The cause of disease can be found sooner or later. 病因迟早会被发现。