- Sinotubimorpha ramosissima n. 繁枝管形藻
- The results showed that the drought resistant capability decreased in order of Tamarix ramosissima Ldb. 结果表明,3树种抗旱性大小顺序依次为:红柳>侧柏>合头草。
- The results showed that the drought resistant capability decreased in order of Tamarix ramosissima Ldb., Platycladus orientalis and Sympegma regelii. 结果表明,3树种抗旱性大小顺序依次为:红柳>侧柏>合头草。
- The picture shows the dead wood and leaves of T. ramosissima and the white crystal is salt which accumulates by the secreting of the plant. 此为多枝柽柳冠下枯枝落叶与土壤的一部分,尖端白色结晶为盐结晶。
- Tamarix ramosissima sand-hillocks in the Lop Nur Lake region of southern Xinjiang are mainly distributed in the deltas of the Tarim River, Kongque River, Miran River, etc. 罗布泊地区的红柳沙包主要分布在塔里木河、孔雀河、米兰河等三角洲地带。
- Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb. 多枝柽柳
- MDA content and membrane permeability rose steadily under the increasing stress.The extents of increase in both of them, however, were not too high to cause a lethal damage to Tamarix ramosissima. 随干早胁迫的加剧,MDA含量和质膜伤害度也在持续上升,但MDA在后期含量提高不大,同时质膜伤害度在干早18d后虽然达到最大也只为20.;7%25,并未对怪柳造成致命伤害。
- Taking Tamarix ramosissima as an example, we explored main problems in the SRHA.The model has a reliable theoretical base and provides guidance for affroestation in the arid and semi-arid regions. 在可靠的理论和方法的基础上建立模拟模型,对造林具有一定的通用性、实用性和指导性,为乾旱半乾旱区进行集雨绿化提供了理论依据、系统模式及规划设计的实用性。
- Soil temperature has minor influence on the evapotranspiration of Tamarix ramosissima, but variety of soil temperature has basic consistence with change of evapotranspiration rate. 土壤温度对柽柳种群蒸散速率的影响不大,但土壤温度的增加值的变化与蒸散速率的变化基本一致。
- Tamarix ramosissima sand-hillock 红柳沙包
- Hippochaete ramosissima ( Desf. ) Boerner 节节草
- al-taicum Kitag.et Hara[Erythraea ramosissima var.al-taica Griseb.; 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Centaurium pulchellum Druce var.
- Root system characteristics of Tamarix ramosissima Ldb. On terrace embankments in two types of stand conditions 两种立地条件梯田埂坎红柳根系特征研究
- Significance of Studying Age Layers of Tamarix ramosissima Sand-hillock in Lop Nur region, Xinjiang 罗布泊地区红柳沙包年层的研究意义
- Sinotubimorpha catenata n. 链状管形藻
- Features of Microclimate in Populus euphratica and Tamarix ramosissima Communities in Desert Riparian Forest 荒漠河岸林胡杨和柽柳群落小气候特征研究
- Sinotubimorpha claviformis n. 棒形管形藻
- Evapotranspiration and energy balance analysis for Tamarix ramosissima stands under extreme arid conditions 极端干旱区柽柳林地蒸散量及能量平衡分析
- Sinotubimorpha qingdaoensis n. 青岛管形藻
- Response of the Distribution of Roots of Tamarix ramosissima Seedlings to Irrigation with Different Volumes 多枝柽柳幼苗根系分布对灌溉量的响应