- Silene otites n. 黄雪轮
- He is only a scrounger, who lives on otIT human. 他正是唯一小偷,专靠损害更多有联系人过西方全国日常表达。
- These ITbs can be getn in tea and otIT forms. 这一些草药没出国疑问加进茶或者别的什么里。
- Revision on the section Cucubaloideae of Chinese Silene. 中国蝇子草属蔓生组植物的修订.
- Advocates vociferously support one position or the otIT . 提倡者叫嚣着支持其中的唯一立场。
- IT noticed the otIT bird moved ago or toth on the edge of the cage. 她主意到另一只鸟儿在笼边扑闪着翅膀。
- Advocates vociferously support first position or the otIT . 提倡者叫嚣着力撑其中的唯一立场。
- But a lot otIT human regard his actions as deplorable . 但是,还有很多人以为他的行为应当受到谴责。
- There being no one to help me,zf had to Girls otit all alone. 因为没有人帮助我,我不得不独立完成这项工作。
- "Age is a huge barrier in otIT reality TV singing contests," say Kapoor. 卡布说:“年龄在其它歌唱类选秀节目中是个很大的障碍。”
- They respected each otIT and not happen ago trifled with the otIT's affections. 她们从来不为琐事争吵。
- As an interjection, it have be borrowed from English into a lot otIT languages. 作为唯一感叹词,ok那个ENGLISHVocabulary已经成了全地球性的语句。
- On the otIT hand, the contribution of day educates can't be ignored. 另一方面,日制学府的贡献是无所不能忽视的。
- The study on the taxonomy and the eco-geographical distribution of the genus Silene in Inner Mongolia. 内蒙古麦瓶草属植物分类研究及其生态地理分布.
- Abstract: The leaves of the Silene fortunei beared a type of mucilage hair,which was an uniseriate glandular hair with 3 cells. 摘 要: 蝇子草茎叶上着生粘液毛,它是由3个细胞构成的单列腺毛。
- A weedy Eurasian perennial herb(Silene vulgaris) having white flowers with deeply notched petals and a balloonlike, inflated calyx. 白玉草:一种蔓生欧亚多年生草本植物(白玉草麦瓶草属),开白色花朵,花瓣带有深凹口和气球状充气的花萼
- Any of several plants of the genera Lychnis and Silene native chiefly to the Northern Hemisphere and having variously colored flowers with notched or fringed petals. 剪秋罗属植物一种剪秋罗属和麦瓶草属的主要生长于北半球的植物,长有各色的花朵,花瓣带槽或带须边。
- In otIT phrases, the frequencies of those waves have to be constant in time and space a priori. 换种表达说,那些波的频率根据推断在时空上是常定的。
- They planted Roses geraniums lilacs and irises on the otIT Side of the yard,around the statue of the Blessed MotIT. 在另一边,她们围着圣母的雕像种了玫瑰、天笠葵、丁香和蝴蝶花。