- Shibata Mutsuo 柴田睦夫(1928-),日本人,众议员。
- Shibata sensei has preached today. Compiled Nozomien News. 听柴田先生的说教。翻译园新闻。
- Meanwhile, Mei s childhood friend, Shibata Kento, attends a butler school in order to protect her. 而荣仓奈奈和水岛宏都是时下当红的年轻演员,到底他们扮演的小姐和管家会擦出怎样的火花呢?
- Then Shibata Rihito, a good-looking guy appears in front of Mei and humbly says, I m your butler. 为了把芽衣培养成真正的名门淑女,她被送进了著名的圣露琪亚女子学院。
- Mutsuo Harada. G-CSF prevents cardiac remodeling after myocardial infarction by activating the Jak-Stat pathway in cardiomyocytes. NATURE MEDICINE VOLUME 11 NUMBER 3 MARCH 2005. 欧瑞明.;粒细胞集落刺激因子对大鼠实验性心肌梗死的治疗作用
- What's more, Shibata found that brain activity increased 50% in patients with dementia after just twenty minutes with Paro. 研究表明,和机器人之间的互动交流有助于缓解压力,驱散沮丧情绪。
- Tamua K,Shibata Y,Matauda Y,et al.Isolation and characterization of an immunosuppressive acidic protein from ascitic fluids of cancer patients[J].Cancer Res,1981,41 (10) :3244. 刘明佳;吴军;包平;等.;癌症病人血清中免疫抑制酸性蛋白的测定[J]
- H.Yasui, M. Shibata, "An innovative approach to reduce excess sludge production in the activated sludge process," Water Science and Technology, vol. 30, no. 9, 1994, pp. 11-12. 日本下水道事业团技术开发部,污泥减量化技术评鑑开发报告书,日本琦玉县,日本下水道事业团技术开发部,2005年4月。
- Claire Redfield "Resident Evil : Degeneration" (in Japanese version) Song : Pool of Dreams Vocal : Tomoko Shibata Composer : Noriyuki Asakura List of libraries : ja.wikipedia. org more tags : TENCHU 天诛 东 忍 力丸 彩女 东紫云斎 郷田松之信 関谷直忠 菊姫 龙丸 蝉丸 鬼阴...
- Shibata J,Fujiyama S,Sato T,et al. Hepatic arterial injection chemotherapy with cisplatin suspended oily lymphographic agent for hepatocelliuler carcinoma. Cancer,1989,64:1586. 涂蓉,郭俊渊,王承缘,等.;肝癌碘油栓塞后的碘油沉积与肿瘤坏死
- Summary: The story follows a rookie cop named Taketora Shibata who, despite his childish looks of a middle-schooler, fights against juvenile crime and has the ability to see anything at a crime scene. 少年组新人刑警(连载开始时是于派出所执勤)的柴田竹虎拥有分不出是初中生的外表,但是他比谁都更富有正义感,衷心相信犯过错的少年会更新改过。
- The story follows a rookie cop named Taketora Shibata who, despite his childish looks of a middle-schooler, fights against juvenile crime and has the ability to see anything at a crime scene. 有著一张可爱的娃娃脸,总是被误认成国中生的柴田竹虎,其实是立志成为少年组刑警的菜鸟警察。一天,他在死党藤木小次郎的二手衣店,遇见一名顺手牵羊的少女美月。
- Shibata M, Ueshima K, Harada M, et al. Effect of magnesium sulfate 邵美贞主编.;镁的基础与临床
- N. Shibata Optoelectronics Technical Division, Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd., 710 Origuchi, Shimomiyake h 首页----期刊主要分类----期刊细介绍----期刊题录与文摘----期刊详细文摘内容
- Takako Yokozawa;Hikokichi Oura;Toru Shibata;Kenji Ishida;Minoru Kaneko;Masatsune Hasegawa;Senji Sakanakn; 保健 绿茶儿茶素对于洗肾病人的效用 刘绍毅;
- T. Akiyama.O. Tanaka.S. Shibata Chemical Studies Studies on the Oriental plant Drugs. XXX; 1972 赵淑春.;富丽
- Kimura Mutsuo 木村睦男(1913-),日本人,参议院议长。
- Takahashi Mutsuo 高桥陆男(1915-),日本人,理科教授。
- Terui Mutsuo 照井陆奥生(1905-),日本人,农业生物学教授。
- Katō Mutsuo 加藤陆奥雄(1911-),日本人,生物学教授。