- Moreover, "Bian zheng shi zhi", another theory of traditional Chinese medicine, also embodies the dialectic ideas of ancient natural philosophy. 中医理论的辩证施治原则充分体现了古代自然哲学的辩证法性质。
- Temples of the first plastic layer has permitted the Central Maitreya, the right and left, and King Kong for the Manjusri Bodhisattvada shi zhi hands. 佛阁的第一层佛殿中央塑有弥勒佛,左右两侧为文殊菩萨和金刚手大势至菩萨。
- Chi shi zhi Red Halloysite Halloysitum Rubrum 硅酸盐类矿物多水高岭石族
- Believe in future, ardently love life--On Shi Zhi and his poems 相信未来热爱生命--浅论食指及其诗歌
- Persistence and Plight in the Ideal World --On Shi Zhi's Underground Poems 理想世界的执著与困境--论食指的地下诗歌
- Dou bu zhi ni mama de shi ruhe chulai de ! 许一多:你妈妈和你老婆一个样,都是贱人.
- Hainan sheng zhi. Di 9 juan, Kou an zhi, hai guan zhi, shang jian zhi / Hainan sheng di fang shi zhi pan gong hih bian 海南省志.;第九卷;口岸志;海关志;商检志/海南省地方史志办公室编
- Father safe, REN Shengzhou ci shi , Bu Jundu zhi hui shi Zhenwu. 父亲安全,任胜州刺史、振武马步军都指挥使。
- Guo ji huo bi ji jin zu zhi shi shen me? / [bian ji Jeremy Clift]. 国际货币基金组织是什么?: 基金组织简介/ [编辑Jeremy Clift].
- Fuhou jin day two (937), Bu-Jundu zhi hui shi transfer bodyguard. 天福六年(941),任北京(晋阳)留守、河东节度使。
- At the same time, A battle in zhang cun Post is the essential preparation in the battle Zhi Luozhen. 同时,张村驿战斗为直罗镇战役作了必要的准备。
- Series Zhongguo min zu cun zhai diao cha cong shu. 中国民族村寨调查丛书.
- jing shi zhi yong 经世致用
- At present I work in Zhong Guan Cun of Beijing. 我目前在北京中关村上班。
- Anyone know the song's name of Xiao Cun using? 请问有谁知道小淳表演的曲名?
- Guan Cun, a quiet research environment. 关村一个安静的科研环境。
- Shi Zhi 食指
- Mr. Cun, let me help you hold this. 大牛:寸老师,我帮您拿着吧!
- Dorp: Hao Bai Cun lost an election! 村落:郝柏村落选了!