- She's their only daughter. 她是他们的独生女。
- While he was making dinner, his wife was teaching their only daughter how to dance. 他在做饭时,他爱人正在教他们的独生女儿跳舞。
- Their only daughter died of the traffic accident. It was like a bolt out of the blue. 他们唯一的女儿死于交通事故,说来真是晴人霹雳。
- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Austen are delighted to announce the marriage of their only daughter, Miss Jane Austen to Mr. James Johnson, on February 10, 2003. 罗依· 奥斯汀夫妇高兴地宣布其独生女儿琼·奥斯汀与海恩斯·约翰逊夫妇的长子詹姆士·约翰逊于2003年2月10日缔结良缘。
- She reposes her hope in her only daughter. 她把希望寄托在她的独生女身上。
- She repudiated her only daughter. 她与她的独生女儿断绝了母女关系。
- Parents who dote on their only child. 过分溺爱独生子女的父母
- mr. and mr.. Roy Austen are delighted to announce the marriage of their only daughter, Miss Jane Austen to mr. James Johnson, on February 10, 2003. 罗依·奥斯汀夫妇高兴地宣布其独生女儿琼·奥斯汀与海恩斯·约翰逊夫妇的长子詹姆士·约翰逊于2003年2月10日缔结良缘。
- Judy was their only child and naturally they doted on Judy’s children. 朱迪是他们惟一的孩子,因此他们自然溺爱朱迪的孩子。
- Their only common bond is their poverty. 他们的唯一共同纽带是贫穷。
- Fang's mum had the only daughter and she hoped her to early get married, so she could come to hug her grandson or granddaughter. 方妈妈就这一个宝贝女儿,她希望方早点结婚成家,她好来抱外孙。
- Their only transportation was camel. 他们唯一的交通工具是骆驼。
- Her father's opposition was their only obstacle. 她父亲的反对是他们唯一的障碍。
- For he had one only daughter, about twelve years of age, and she lay a dying. But as he went the people thronged him. 因为他有一个独生女儿,约有十二岁,快要死了。耶稣去的时候,众人拥挤他。
- Their only one sin is unpardonable. 他们唯一罪行也是不赦之罪。
- The couple lavished so much care on their only son. 夫妇俩过分关心他们的独子。
- As the only daughter ,she lives together with her father for taking care of him.she is longly,lackadaisical,distressed and always goes to A Lan for releasing her grief. 作为独生女,她和她的父亲住在一起,尽力去照顾他。她孤独无依、无精打采、愁眉苦脸,经常到阿兰那里去排除忧伤。
- They were inconsolable when their only child died. 他们唯一的孩子去世时,他们简直痛不欲生。
- Stephen is bound to last out at his only daughters' wedding. 斯蒂芬必定要在他独生女儿结婚时花一大笔钱。