- She's all vacant upstairs. 她头脑空空。
- He is all vacant upstairs. 他头脑里空空如也。
- She' s all sweetness and light provided you' re doing what she wants. 只要顺着她; 她是又和蔼又讲理.
- There's so much materials to be prepared that she 's all at sea to fix out. 她有太多的材料需要准备,以致他茫然失措,不知该如何下手。
- He pretends to be busy, but it' s all eyewash. 他假装很忙,其实纯属欺骗。
- Basically, it 's all a question of upbringing . 这基本上全是一个教养的问题。
- I' m afraid it' s all a dreadful mistake. 看来全都大错特错了.
- It' s a matter of a few more miles, that' s all. 最多再有几英里; 也不过如此.
- Don' t shut the door, it' s all right as it is. 不要关门,开着好。
- Let' s all cooperate to get the work done quickly. 让我们一起同心协力把这工作快点做完。
- My friend is a problem solver, that\'s all. 我的朋友是个解决问题的。就是这样。
- Don' t shut the window, it' s all right as it is. 不要关窗户,开着好。
- Nothing new, S.O.S, that’s all. 没什么新内容,不过是老一套罢了。
- It s all about pain, and who gonna make it... 它关于疼痛的所有,并且是谁制造的它...
- I was OK in the university,straight A's all the time. 我在大学还可以,各科成绩一直是“优”。
- There midnight' s all a glimmer and noon( is) a purple glow. 那儿午夜浮光微摇,中午紫光争耀。
- Slip the belt into the buckle and pull tight, that 's all . 把带子穿进带扣,然后抽紧,就这样。
- Slip the belt into the buckle and pull tight, that 's all. 把带子穿进带扣,然后抽紧,就这样。
- And suddenly it’s all, come back American Suburbia! 四处便迅速开始呼唤“美国郊区居民回来吧!
- Filly,Ihope evrry one can get a good greats.That's all,Thank you! 这就是我的值日报告,不过不是我写的,别人帮的忙。