- Septoria microspora n. 小孢壳针孢
- Microspora is a extremely large and ubiquitous group of microorganisms. 微孢子虫是一个庞大而广泛存在的微生物群。
- Screening tests on several fungicides for controlling Septoria gentianae Thume on Gentiana spp. 防治龙胆草斑枯病药剂筛选试验。
- The soybean leaves were infected by Septoria glycines and presented morbid state after 7 or 15 days in June in the east of Heilongjiang provice. 大豆褐纹病在黑龙江省东部地区于6月中旬始见病斑,始发病期与当时气象因素有关。
- The recent research advancements of taxonomy,molecular evolution,molecular biology and chemical treatment in microspora were discussed. 从分类、分子进化、分子生物学、化学治疗等方面综述了微孢子虫研究的进展。
- Septoria polygonorum Desm. 红蓼壳针孢
- In addition,advancements in the life cycles of five microspora pathogenic to Bombyx mori,the dimorphism,the structure and function of polar tube,and the spore germination were also reviewed. 另外,对微孢子虫的生活史、孢子二型性、极丝结构与功能及孢子发芽过程与条件等方面的研究进展进行了综述。
- The authors reported 39 kinds of diseases on chrysanthemum in China.The main diseases included brown spot, black spot, powdery mildew and bacteria with caused by Septoria chrysanthemi-indica. 摘要我国菊花主要病害有4大类共39种,其中危害严重的有11种,如褐斑病、黑斑病、白粉病、细菌性疫病、不孕病毒病、菊花矮化病等。
- Recent Advances in Taxonomy of Phylum Microspora 微孢子虫分类学研究进展
- Research on Septoria leaf spot in tomatoes 番茄斑枯病研究概述
- Bulbochaete intermedia f. microspora n. 中型毛鞘藻小孢变型
- A preliminary report on the occurrence regularity and chemical control of Septoria chrysanthemella Sacc in parts of Shandong 山东部分地区菊花黑斑病发生规律与防治初报
- Trichia microspora n. 小孢团毛菌
- Tremella microspora n. 小孢银耳
- Septoria acanthi n. 爵床壳针孢
- Septoria asaricola n. 细辛生壳针孢
- Bremia microspora n. 小孢盘霜霉
- Anthracoidea microspora n. 小孢炭黑粉菌
- Septoria betulae n. 桦壳针孢
- Septoria corylina n. 毛榛壳针孢