- Septoria lysimachiae n. 珍珠菜壳针孢
- Supplementa et emendanda ad Lysimachia sinicas. 中国珍珠菜属植物研究补遗与订正.
- Objective:To study on flavonoids in Lysimachia clethroide Duby. 目的:对珍珠菜中黄酮类化合物进行研究。
- A study of the genus Lysimachia Linn. in the region of East China. 华东地区排草属植物的研究.
- New species and variety of Lysimachia from Chekiang Province, China. 浙江排草属的新种和新变种.
- Any of various plants of the genus Lysimachia, having usually yellow flowers. 珍珠菜属植物一种珍珠草属植物,通常开黄花
- Taxonomic and phytogeographic studies on Chinese species of Lysimachia. 中国珍珠菜属植物的分类与分布.
- Screening tests on several fungicides for controlling Septoria gentianae Thume on Gentiana spp. 防治龙胆草斑枯病药剂筛选试验。
- Hao, and Y.F.Deng.The identity of Lysimachia longshengensis G.Z.Li &S. 中国紫金牛属圆齿组花粉形态研究及其分类学意义。
- The soybean leaves were infected by Septoria glycines and presented morbid state after 7 or 15 days in June in the east of Heilongjiang provice. 大豆褐纹病在黑龙江省东部地区于6月中旬始见病斑,始发病期与当时气象因素有关。
- Objective: To find active components of Herba Lysimachiae for anti-inflammation and Choleresis. 目的:寻找金钱草抗炎利胆有效部位。
- Method:herba Lysimachiae by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and to develop an HPLC Method for the determination of Gentiopicrin in Jindan Tablets. 方法:采用薄层色谱法对方中的金钱草进行了定性鉴别,并采用高效液相色谱法对龙胆中的龙胆苦苷进行了含量测定。
- Study on the Chemical Constituents of the Volatile Oilfrom Lysimachia trientaloides Hemsl. 追风伞挥发油的化学成分研究。
- Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Lysimachia Paridiformis Franch. and Ecdysanthera Rosea Hook.et Arn. 重楼排草和酸叶胶藤化学成分的研究
- Septoria polygonorum Desm. 红蓼壳针孢
- Conclusion: Ethanol and ethyl acetate extracts may possibly come from the effective conppnents of Herba Lysimachiae for anti-inflammation and Choleresis. 结论:乙酸乙酯提取部分可能是金钱草抗炎利胆的有效部位。
- Methods The proper extracting condition was optimized by orthogonal tests with the amount of extracted total flavonoids and the ratio of poultice as index in Herba Lysimachiae. 方法通过正交试验以处方中金钱草中所含总黄酮的提取量和出膏率为定量指标,确定合理的醇提取工艺。
- Definition: Christina Loosestrife is the dried herb of Lysimachia christinaie Hance (Fam.Primulaceae). 本品为报春花科植物过路黄Lysimachia christinae Hance的干燥全草。
- The authors reported 39 kinds of diseases on chrysanthemum in China.The main diseases included brown spot, black spot, powdery mildew and bacteria with caused by Septoria chrysanthemi-indica. 摘要我国菊花主要病害有4大类共39种,其中危害严重的有11种,如褐斑病、黑斑病、白粉病、细菌性疫病、不孕病毒病、菊花矮化病等。
- The progress in the research of the chemical components and pharmacological activities of Lysimachia was reviewed. 查阅近年有关文献,对珍珠菜属植物的化学成分和药理作用进行综述。