- Scotophilus viridis n. 南非黄蝠
- There are many euglena viridis algae in the water, which makes the water green. 水里有好多的眼虫,把水面都染绿了。
- I chattered cage, a film Zhujia laver, a bedspace apartments Pteria, a string Perna viridis, vibrant Crassostrea gigas. 一格格养殖网箱,一片片紫菜竹架、一笼笼珍珠贝、一串串翡翠贻贝、太平洋牡蛎生机勃勃。
- Results of radioactive trace experiments showed that the absorption of 134Cs and 65Zn by Perna viridis was selective. 示踪实验结果说明,翡翠贻贝对~(134)Cs和~(65)Zn是有选择性吸收的。
- The enzymes from Saccharomonospora viridis were used in wheat straw soda-AQ pulp bleaching an. 用该菌所产粗酶液漂白麦草烧碱-蒽醌浆,并对漂白机理进行研究。
- The gill tectology and ultrastructure of Perna viridis were observed using light and electron microscopes. 摘要应用光镜和透射电镜观察翡翠贻贝鳃的组织形态学和超微结构。
- The effect of ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) on the growth of micro algae Dunaliella viridis was reported. 报道了氯化铵对绿色杜氏藻增殖的影响情况。
- In P. viridis, gills consist of a pair of lamellibranch covering the visceral mass on both sides. 翡翠贻贝身体两侧各有一对鳃瓣,覆盖在内脏团之上,鳃瓣由众多鳃丝组成。
- The inhibition of influenza virus reproduction in chicken embryo was studied by polysaccharides from mussel Perna viridis(PVPS). 采用血凝滴度法研究翡翠贻贝多糖(PVPS)对鸡胚培养甲型流感病毒的抑制作用;
- The dominant species in the pest sub-communities are Myzus persicae (Sulzer), Cicadella viridis(Linnaeus), Erythroneura sudra. 害虫亚群落优势种主要有:桃蚜Myzus persicae(Sulzer)、大青叶蝉Cicadella viridis(Linnaeus)、桃一点叶蝉Erythroneura sudra.
- Nicosulfuron + 2,4-D butyl ester was synergistic in inhibiting wheat sprout growth and in Chenopodium album and Setaria viridis control. 烟嘧磺隆+2,4-滴丁酯对小麦芽长的相互作用为增效作用,对藜和狗尾草的相互作用为增效作用。
- The contaminated species are rather universal in Guangxi and Hainan, Chlamys nobilis and Perna viridis are main contaminated species in Guangdong. 在染毒的贝类种类方面,广西和海南比较有普遍性,广东主要以华贵栉孔扇贝和翡翠贻贝为主。
- We collect Perna viridis of 15 locations of alongshore sea area of the Guangdong province in October to novermber of 2001 and 2002 year. 为弄清麻痹性贝类毒素在广东省近岸海域的分布情况,我们于2001年和2002年的10-11月间,对广东省近岸海域的15个地点进行了翡翠贻贝的采样。
- A nicosulfuron + atrazine was additive in inhibiting sprout growth of germinating wheat, while a slight synergism was observed in Chenopodium album and Setaria viridis control. 结果表明:烟嘧磺隆+莠去津对小麦芽长的相互作用为相加作用,对黎和狗尾草稍有增效作用;
- The dominant species in the mountain land of north China in future would be Vitex negundo, Setaria viridis, Commelina communis and Agrimonia pilosa respectively. 预测未来华北山地阳坡上生灌草群落优势种分布将依次为:荆条、狗尾草、鸭跖草和龙牙草。
- Mentba viridis L. [医] 留兰香,绿薄荷
- G. elata BL. f. viridis Mak. 绿天麻
- Amaranthus viridis L. 皱果苋
- The results of field trail indicated that inhibition rate of the metabolite of Z_40 strain against barnyard grass(Echinochloa crusgalli),green bristlegrass(Setaria viridis),and copperleaf (Acalypha australis) were 80.30%,81.59%,and 88.71% respectively. 田间试验结果表明;Z40菌株代谢产物对稗、狗尾草、铁苋菜的防治效果均在80%25以上;抑制率分别为80.;30%25;81
- This paper discussed cluster analysis of organochlorinated pesticides and PCBs in mussels ( Perna viridis ) from the Pearl River estuarine zone by using Pearson correlation and complete linkage. 选用皮尔逊相关度量和最长距离法 ,对珠江河口区翡翠贻贝体内有机氯农药和多氯联苯的含量进行了聚类分析。