- Sclerotinia asari n. 细辛核盘菌
- Rotten discs of sunflower is caused by Sclerotinia libertiana Fuck. 摘要向日葵花盘腐烂是由盘腐型菌核病引起的。
- AIM:To investigate the reasonableness test of different parts of Herba Asari. 目的:考察细辛不同部位应用的合理性。
- Genetic Analysis of Resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in Brassica napus L. 甘蓝型油菜菌核病抗性的遗传分析。
- Objective: To establish a method for GC fingerprint determination of the chemical constituents in Herba Asari. 摘要研究中药北细辛GC指纹图谱的建立方法。
- Inheritance of resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum lesion expansion in B. Napus L. 甘蓝型油菜抗菌核病扩展的遗传分析。
- Results: A method for GC fingerprint determination of the chemical constituents in Herba Asari was established. 结果:获得了较为理想的包含特征信息的细辛GC指纹图谱。
- Evaluation of Resistance to Sclerotinia Sclerotiorum in Resynthesized Brassica napus L. 人工合成甘蓝型油菜对菌核病的抗性鉴定。
- A bacterium isolated from rapeseed rhizosphere was found to be effective in suppression Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on LB and PDA agar plates. 从油菜的根际土壤中分离得到一种细菌,在LB,PDA平板对峙试验中对油菜菌核病菌产生明显的抑制作用。
- Matck-stick inoculation method was used to screen for resistance to sclerotinia stem rot of rapeseed. 建议在使用牙签穿刺法鉴定的同时,结合使用别的菌核病抗性鉴定方法。
- Coniothyrium minitans is an important mycoparasite and biocontrol agent of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. 盾壳霉(Coniothyrium minitans)是核盘菌(Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)的重寄生真菌和重要生防菌。
- OBJECTIVE: To comprehend the dosage of Herba Asari in the historical preparations and the present clinical prescriptions. 目的:了解历代成方制剂及现代临床处方中细辛的用量。
- Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is the major disease in rapeseed production, it posed a serious threat to the security. 摘要油菜菌核病是油菜生产上的主要病害,对油菜生产安全构成严重威胁。
- OBJECTIVE To determine the content of Aristolochic Acid A in different parts of Herba cum Radice Asari and in Xuetie Dingchuan Plaster. 目的测定细辛不同药用部位及其制剂中马兜铃酸A的含量。
- Title: Inheritance of resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum lesion expansion in B.napus L. 关键词:甘蓝型油菜;菌核病;毒素;抗扩展;条件遗传分析
- OBJECTIVE: To identify medicinal herbs of Herba Asari and compare the components of essential oil which collected from different parts of Herba Asari. 为给细辛类药材的鉴别提供依据,采用薄层层析法比较了细辛类药材挥发油的化学成分。
- Monitor fields for sclerotinia diseases and rotate crops.Follow a crop rotation of 5 years between susceptible crops. 监控已发现菌核病的田地,并实行轮作。
- RESULT: There is only a little difference on the TLC chromatograms of essential oil between the aerial part and underground part of Herba Asari. 汉城细辛挥发油的薄层层析图谱与北细辛相似,与华细辛区别较大;
- Flos Chrysanthemi indic, Herba taraxaci, Herba asari, Radix zanthoxyli, Radix clematidis, Radix notoginsent, Semen trigonellae, Radix ophiopogonis. 野菊花,天然冰片,蒲公英,细辛,两面针,威灵仙,滇三七,胡芦巴,麦门冬。
- Result: A preferable method for GC fingerprint determination of the chemical constituents in Herba Asari was established. 结果:获得了较为理想的包含特征信息的细辛GC指纹图谱。