- thou art 是 you are 的古体。 'Thou art' is an archaic form of 'you are'.
- "How are you!"的另一种说法是什么? what is another way of saying
- “How are you”的另一种说法是什么? What is another way of saying"How are you"?
- are/info arc/info
- 听一听,读一读#wang Shi, are you watching sports?#王诗,你是在看体育节目吗? Wang Shi, are you watching sports?
- 转录调控元件ARE transcriptional regulating element ARE
- you?你怎么啦? What's the matter with
- 用@am, is, are@填空。 IV. Fill in the blanks with @am, is, are@.
- i owe you I. O. U.
- 抗氧化反应元件(ARE) Anti-Oxidative Response Element(ARE)
- 如果我初次同某人见面,我讲“how do you do”合适吗? Is it appropriate to say "how do you do" if I meet someone for the first time ?
- 数据正确(英文句中用is或are均可). This data is correct and These data are correct are both acceptable.
- 如果你遇到这样的场合,人们会说"Can you lend a hand?" And if you have a situation like that, everyone always says "Can you lend a hand?"
- He","She", and "I" are all pronouns. "He","She", and "I" are all pronouns.
- thou是you古体形式。 Thou is an archaic form of you.
- 标准的问好和回答都是“How do you do”,礼节也就到此为止了。 The standard greeting " How do you do" and the reply " How do you do" signal the end of the ritual.
- ARE%和ARN%随粗蛋白水平的升高而下降; Increasing the dietary can result in the decrease of the ARE%25 and ARN%25.
- Could you give me some ideas? 我的卧室需要些什么家具呢? What furnishings would I need in my bedroom?
- 数据正确(英文句中用is或are均可). This data is correct and These data are correct are both acceptable.
- 数据正确(英文句中用is或are均可)。 This data is correct and These data are correct are both acceptable.