- Samar Conch n. 三齿凤凰螺(凤凰螺超科;凤凰螺科)
- Jack clamoured among them, the conch forgotten. 杰克在他们当中鼓噪着,也不记得海螺了。
- Conch Shanghai Conch Apparel Co., Ltd. 上海海螺服饰有限公司。
- Wuhu Conch Profiles And Science Co. 芜湖海螺型材科技股份有限公司。
- Anhui Conch Joint Stock Co., Ltd. 安徽海螺集团股份有限公司。
- The cuttlefish and conch have similar ancestors. 乌贼和海螺有相似的祖先。
- The crab lives in mantle cavity of a living conch. 这种蟹生活在活海螺的洞中。
- This toy of voting was almost as pleasing as the conch. 这场选举的游戏几乎象海螺那样令人开心。
- Roger took the conch and looked round at them gloomily. 罗杰拿起海螺,神色沮丧地环顾着大伙儿。
- He, together with his wife and children, left Samar and went home to Ilocos. 他,还有他妻子和孩子,离开了萨马岛去了他们在罗科斯的家。
- The conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist. 海螺壳被砸成无数白色的碎片,不复存在了。
- His ordinary voice sounded like a whisper after the harsh note of the conch. 听过海螺刺耳的声音后,他那平常的讲话再听起来就象是悄声细雨。
- Close sea star, orderly put conch, you smelled the flavour of the sea. 密密的海星,整洁摆放的海螺,你是不是闻到了大海的味道。
- To make fresh conch clean, first rinse with caltrop starch, then with water. 心得新鲜螺头仔须用生粉清洗,再用水冲洗,才可洗净。
- De-shell and remove entrails of conch, clean and scald in hot water. 将响螺去壳、去肠,洗净后用热水烫过。
- Behind the "lion", "long", "Conch" organizations such as the Flower Show. 后边是“狮子”、“龙”、“海螺”等花会组织。
- "I feel like I am in some Arabic town, just like Aladdin," Tan told AFP while enjoying a strawberry-laced hookah at the two-storey Samar restaurant. 谭在2层楼高的“夜谭”餐厅享用搀有草莓口味的水烟时告诉法新社说:“我觉得置身某个阿拉伯城镇,就好像天方夜谭中的阿拉丁一样。”
- Conch shell blowing has been practiced in the Florida Keys for generations. 吹海螺在佛罗里达群岛已经延续了几代。
- I picked up the conch, listening to the echo of the sea, how wonderful ah! 我捡起海螺,倾听着大海的回声,多么美妙啊!
- SAMAR SPA The SAMAR group is specialised in manufacturing &sales of clothing: night-dresses, men, women,... 更多 分类标题: 睡衣和内衣 | 儿童和婴儿服装 ...