- Of or relating to Saint Francis of Assisi or to the order founded by him. 圣方济各的:属于或关于圣方济各或他建立的修道团的。
- A member of a religious mendicant order founded by Saint Francis of Assisi in 1209 and now divided into three independent branches. 圣方济各会修士或修女:1209年由圣方济各建立、现已分作三个独立分支的一宗教行乞修道团的成员。
- A member of a religious mendicant order founded by Saint Francis of Assisi in1209and now divided into three independent branches. 圣方济各会修士或修女1209年由圣方济各建立、现已分作三个独立分支的一宗教行乞修道团的成员
- A member of a religious mendicant order founded by Saint Francis of Assisi in1209 and now divided into three independent branches. 圣方济各会修士或修女1209年由圣方济各建立、现已分作三个独立分支的一宗教行乞修道团的成员
- of or relating to Saint Francis of Assisi or to the order founded by him 圣方济各的,属于或关于圣方济各或他建立的修道团的
- a member of a religious mendicant order founded by Saint Francis of Assisi in 1209 and now divided into three independent branches 圣方济各会修士或修女,1209年由圣方济各建立、现已分作三个独立分支的一宗教行乞修道团的成员
- Saint Francis of Assisi 方济各(1181-1226),意大利人,方济各会创始人。
- Francis of Assisi in the 12th-century, who used them in his church Nativity-Plays. 在12世纪时,颂歌广泛流行,圣法兰西斯用这些颂歌在他的教会上演奏。
- Like dear St Francis of Assisi I am wedded to Poverty: but in my case the marriage is not a success. 人生就是一件蠢事追着另一件蠢事而来,而爱情则是两个蠢东西追来追去。
- St. Francis of Assisi's English Primary School 圣方济各英文小学
- Puerile they may be,but these sublime puerilities were peculiar to Saint Francis d'Assisi and of Marcus Aurelius. 当然那是一种稚气,但是这种绝妙的稚气也正是阿西西的圣方济各和马可·奥里略有过的。
- Francis of Assisi his world 圣法兰西斯和他的世界
- Francis of Assisi 圣芳济
- Saint Francis be my speed! How oft to-night Have my old feet stumbled at graves! Who's there? 圣芳济保佑我!我这双老脚今天晚上怎么老是在坟堆里绊来跌去的!那边是谁?
- The University of Saint Francis offers and MBA at a time to fit your schedule and at your own pace. 大学圣弗朗西斯提供和工商管理硕士学位的时间,以符合您的日程和按您自己的节奏。
- Sarab Nath Zallek, MD. Medical Director, OSF Saint Francis Sleep Disorders Center; and Clinical Assistant Professor; University of Illinois college of Medicine, Peoria, IL, USA. 头痛和失眠的关系是很复杂的,但是对于有慢性头痛病人来讲,适量的止痛药可能对夜间好眠有益。而保持一个好的睡眠习惯,以及睡眠障碍获得治疗,对于慢性头痛也是有帮助的。
- This prayer of Saint Francis is a good way to welcome the sacred birth of our dearest beloved Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and usher in a new year with a prayer of Peace. 这个祈祷圣弗朗西斯是一个好方法;欢迎我们的神圣诞生勋爵和心爱的绒毛救世主耶稣基督;迎来了新的一年;祈祷和平.
- Order of Saint Francis. (天主教)方济各会
- The bell tower of the Church and Convent of Saint Francis rises above the cobblestone streets of Trinidad, Cuba, a colonial town so well preserved it's often referred to as a "museum city. 教堂的钟楼和圣弗朗西斯的女修道院耸立于古巴特立尼达那鹅卵石的街道上。这个殖民地城市保存非常完好,通常被称为“博物馆的城市”。
- You need the patience of a saint for this job. 做这种工作,你得有圣人般的好耐性。