- The principal dwelt on traffic safety in his talk. 校长没完没了地谈论交通安全问题。
- I fear for her safety in this weather. 在这种天气里我很担心她的安全。
- Puzzle-map in underground works now correctly. 地下的藏宝图正常工作。
- Has this plastic been tested for safety in great heat? 这种塑料在高温下的安全性是否已检测过?
- He was engaged in underground work in the war time. 在战争时代他从事地下工作。
- We decided to go to see the boss together; there's safety in numbers. 我们决定一起去找老板,人多胆壮。
- We better sit closer. Safety in numbers,right? 我们得坐得近些。人多安全,不是吗?
- And they used to keep it in snow in underground chambers. 他们用雪把冰淇淋放到地下室里保存。
- Petroleum is found in underground deposits in various parts. 石油可在地下多处分布的沉积物中找到。
- The principaldwelt on traffic safety in his talk. 校长在讲话中强调了交通安全。
- There is tax evasion in underground economy and open economy. 摘要地下经济和公开经济中都存在着税收流失。
- The speaker dwelled on traffic safety in his talk. 演讲者详述了交通安全问题。
- During the blitz we spent the night in underground shelters. 空袭期间, 我们在防空洞过夜。
- We better sit closer. safety in numbers, right? 我们得坐得近些。人多安全,不是吗?
- I feared for his safety in the region. 我为他在本地区的生命安全而担心。
- Safety in Production Promote Productivity! 生产必须安全,安全促进生产!
- How do you appreciate the safety in the BBS? 你如何评价bbs的安全性?
- Media briefed on work safety in earthquake areas. 媒体简单通报了震区工作的安全性。
- I had to seek safety in flight . 我只好逃难去了。
- Many people assume there's safety in numbers. 许多人认为,集体活动比个人活动安全。