- 你在迟到Ken会气疯的。 Ken will blow up if you are late again.
- 请告诉他Ken Kimura 打过电话。 Please tell him that Ken Kimura called.
- 这是Ralph初次要去ken的公司拜访) Ralph goes to visit Ken 's office for the first time.)
- S玻璃纤维 S-glass fibre
- 这是Ralph初次要去ken的公司拜访. Ralph is going to visit Ken 's office for the first time . .
- 他在文件上签上姓名的首字母G.P.S。 He initialed the paper G.P.S.
- 喂,我是Beijing贸易公司的Ken Nash。 Hello. This is Ken nash of Beijing Trading Company.
- s-o-n-g拼成"song"一字。 s-o-n-g spells "song".
- (因工作的关系Ralph与ken认识已有一段时间。 ( ralph and ken have know each other for some time through work.
- 籼S Xian S
- A-S anti-spoofing(A-S)
- Voxlap,Ken Silverman所写的开放源代码的体素引擎 Voxlap Open source voxel engine written by Ken Silverman and Tom Dobrowolski
- S捻 S Twist
- 有3间房,客人姓名是Ken johnson先生,Bill Blanchard先生 Three Standard Rooms for Mr.Ken Johnson, Mr.Bill Blanchard
- S族 S
- 作者衷心地感谢Stacy Joines和Ken Hygh对本文提出的有益建议。 The author would like to thank Stacy Joines and Ken Hygh for their helpful suggestions on this article.
- S.D system dynamics
- 客座作者Ken Barclay是苏格兰爱丁保的Napier大学计算学院的讲师。 Guest author Ken Barclay is a lecturer in the School of Computing, Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland.
- 选择“自动的Ken Burns效果”以便将动作添加至您的幻灯片显示照片。 Select Automatic Ken Burns Effect to add motion to your slideshow photos.