- Study on Surplus Rural Labor Moving. 农村富余劳动力转移就业研究;
- Wow! How strong the ABK's kids are! 拍球,这也是本园独特的特色喔!
- The Urban rural labor is an especial colony in cities. 农民工是城市中的一个特殊群体。
- The first is to encourage the rural labor force to find work locally. 一是促进农村劳动力在当地就业。
- The second is to guide the rural labor force to find employment in other areas. 二是,引导农村劳动力跨地区流动就业。
- A lot of rural labor will migrate to urban or other higher income regiones... 未来大批农村劳动力仍将向本省的城镇地区和收入较高的外省市流动。
- Sixth,we provided guidance to ensure a proper and orderly movement of rural labor. 六是引导农村劳动力合理有序流动。
- Surplus rural labor moving to non-agricultural industries and to cities and towns is an inevitable trend in industrialization and modernization. 农村富余劳动力向非农产业和城镇转移,是工业化和现代化的必然趋势。
- Chapter five: suggestions and strategies about the acceleration of surplus rural labor migration in Herman Province. 第五章:加快河南省农村剩余劳动力转移的途径和对策建议。
- Sixth, we provided guidance to ensure a proper and orderly movement of rural labor. 六是引导农村劳动力合理有序流动。
- However,estimations about the scale of rural labor migration are inconsistent in most researches and surveys. 关于农村劳动力转移规模的估计,现有的大部分研究和调查结果并不一致。
- These enterprises provide employment to 50 million rural laborers. 这些企业为5000万农村劳动力提供了就业机会。
- Make resource wasteful, the effect cannot get play, can last what manacled rural labor and rural economics development. 使得资源浪费,效果得不到发挥,束缚了农村劳动力和农村经济的可持续发展。
- oK's Kids Have you seen my puppy? 你有看到我的小狗吗?
- They have argued that China’s economy is still not robust enough to absorb hundreds of milli** of rural laborers full time. 他们争辩道,中国的经济还没有强大到可以吸收数以亿计的农村劳动力。
- There are many homeward-bound rural laborers and students. 这趟火车上,有很多返乡民工和学生。
- How to solve the outlet problem for the surplus rural labor forceis a difficult problem of great challenge that faces China's modernization drive. 解决农村剩余劳动力的出路问题,是中国现代化进程中面临的一个极富挑战性的难题。
- The fall in demand for labor in rural areas, the rural labor will flock to the cities, causing the rise in the urban unemployment. 农村劳动力需求下降,可能会涌向城市,造成城市失业率的上升。
- All the institutional and policy barriers to urbanization must be removed and the rational and orderly flow of rural labor guided. 消除不利于城镇化发展的体制和政策障碍,引导农村劳动力合理有序流动。
- The main target of this study is analyses the rural labor transfer how to affect the brain drains, accumulate funds and land transfer. 本论文的主要目标是分析我国农村劳动力转移对农村人力资本流失、资金积累及土地流转的影响,评价我国农村劳动力转移对农业部门及农村经济发展的影响。