- Royal Naval Air Reserve 皇家海军航空兵后备队
- He joined the Royal Naval Air Service as an aircraft mechanic in 1915 after his mother died. 1915年妈妈去世后,他作为一名技师,参加了英国皇家海军空军勤务工作。
- He joined the Royal Naval Air Service in 1915 and was posted two years later to service and rescue aircraft that crashed behind the trenches at Ypres and the Somme. 他于1915年加入英国皇家海军航空队并在2年后正式为组织效力,他在伊普雷河与索姆河交接处的战壕后参加坠落飞机的抢救工作。
- Allingham was a founding member of today's Royal Air Force, which was formed in 1918 when the Royal Naval Air Service merged with the Royal Flying Corps. 阿林厄姆是当今英国空军的创始成员之一,该军种是由皇家海军航空兵和英国陆军航空队于1918年合并而成的。
- Royal Naval Air Training Establishment 皇家海军航空训练处
- Chief of Naval Air Reserve Training 海军航空兵后备役训练主任
- Connection Naval Air Reserve Training Program 有关海军航空后备队的训练计划
- Report to Naval Air Reserve Training Program 前往报到参加海军航空兵后备役训练计划
- Naval Air Reserve Antisubmarine Squadron 海军航空兵后备队反潜机中队
- Naval Air Reserve Electronics Training Unit 海军航空兵后备队电子训练小队
- Naval Air Reserve Force Squadron 海军航空兵后备队中队
- Naval Air Reserve Mobile Photographic Unit 海军航空兵后备队机动摄影队
- Naval Air Reserve Training Center 海军航空兵后备队训练中心
- Naval Air Reserve Maintenance Unit 海军航空兵后备队保养小队
- Naval Air Reserve ASW Tactical School 海军航空后备役反潜作战战术学校
- Chief Naval Air Reserve Training 海军航空后备队训练主任
- Commander Naval Air Reserve Force 海军航空后备队司令
- It used to be the Royal Naval College. 它过去曾是皇家海军学院。
- 1918 The Royal Air Force was formed, by the amalgamation of the Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Naval Air Service. 英国皇家飞行队和皇家海军航空部队合并,成立英国皇家空军。
- These images won Petty Officer Air Photographer Sean Clee the prestigious Royal Naval Photographer of the Year Award. 这幅照片记录了英国部队在挪威的战术训练。