- Rontgen unitr 伦琴单位
- Rontgen's discovery was a stone with its waves. 伦琴的发现,一石激起千层浪。
- From near and far reporters streamed to interview Rontgen. 远近四方的记者蜂拥而至,采访伦琴。
- Rontgen's having discovered X-rays contributed much to world's science . 伦琴发现了X射线对世界科学贡献很大。
- Rontgen was certain that the fluorescent effect was not due to cathode rays. 伦琴确信,荧光效应不是起因于阴极射线。
- Rontgen's having discovered X-rays contributed much to world's science. 伦琴发现了x射线对世界科学贡献很大。
- When Rontgen put his hand before X-ray, he saw the bones of his hands only. 伦琴把手放在X射线前面时,只见到手上的骨头。
- Rontgen went on to try to find out more about these strange invisible rays. 后来,伦琴继续试图弄清这些奇妙的不可见射线的其他特征。
- The apparatus with which Rontgen made his sensational disdcovery was the result of a prolonged development in the field of electricity. 伦琴用来做出惊人发现的仪器是电学领域长期发展的成果。
- Wilhelm von Rontgen, German physicist who discovered X-rays and Nobel Prize winner. Was born at Lennep in Prussia. 发现X射线的德国物理学家、贝尔奖获得者威廉··琴出生于普鲁士的伦内普。
- So Rontgen made the first X-ray picture of a hand, showing just how the bones in the hand first together. 就这样,伦琴制成了第一张表明人手骨骼组成情况的 光片。
- X-ray were first discovered by a German scientist, Wilhelm Konrad Rontgen, in 1895, almost by accident. X射线是一八九五年由德国科学家W.;K
- X-rays were first discovered by a German scientist, Wilhelm Konrad Rontgen, in 1895, almost by accident. 光首先是被德国科学家伦琴于1895年差不多是偶然发现的。
- So Rontgen made the first X-ray picture of a hand showing just how the bones in the hand fit together. 因此栾琴照了第一张手的X光照片,显示出手中的骨骼是如何组合在一起的。
- So Rontgen made the first X-ray picture of a hand, showing just how the bones in the hand fit together. 这便是伦琴制作的第一张手部X光片,它准确地显示出手部骨骼之间的连接。
- The apparatus with which Rontgen made his sensational discovery was the result of a prolonged development in the field of electricity. 伦琴用来做出惊人发现的仪器是电学领域长期发展的成果。
- Other scientists called them Rontgen rays in honor of the man who first found them, but X-ray is the name always used now. 其他科学家则为了纪念发现这种射线的人而称其为伦琴射线。但X 射线却是目前经常使用的名称。
- Other scientists called them Rontgen rays in honor of the man who first found them, but X-ray is the name now always used. 其他的科学家则称呼这些射线为栾琴射线来纪念第一个发现它的人,但X光是现在经常使用的名称。
- Other scientists called them Rontgen rays in honor of the man who first found them, but X-ray is the name now commonly used. 其他科学家为了纪念这个射线的发现者,将其命名为伦琴射线,但是X射线这个名字现在经常被大家使用。
- Then one day Rontgen noticed that, even when the tube was covered with black paper, some strange kind of radiation was coming through and making a screen nearby glow. 有一天栾琴注意到即使管子被黑纸所覆盖,也有某种奇怪的辐射穿过并使附近的银幕发光。