- Roegneria aliena n. 涞源鹅观草
- Biosystematic studies among Roegneria pendulina, R. ciliaris and R. kamoji of the Tribe Triticeae, Gramineae. 小麦族鹅观草属三种植物的生物系统学研究.
- Habitatio is a kind of ius in re aliena with a personal nature as well as a property nature. 居住权兼具人身性和财产性,是他物权的一种。
- Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata forest is one of the most important vegetation types of Qinling mountain. 锐齿栎林是秦岭植被中最重要的类型之一。
- Cai L B.A taxonomical study on the genus Roegneria C.Koch of China[J].Acta Phytotaxon Sin,1997,35(2):147-177. [19]蔡联炳.;中国鹅观草属的分类研究[J]
- Cai L B.Taxonomical study on the genus Roegneria C.of China[J].Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica, 1997, 35(2): 148-177. [9]蔡联炳.;中国鹅观草属的分类研究[J]
- A comparative study on the caryopses of Roegneria, Elymus, and Agropyron (Gramineae). 鹅观草属披碱草属和冰草属禾草颖果的比较研究.
- Cytological and morphological studies of Agropyron tsukushiense var. transiens of Japan, Roegneria kamoji of China and their artificial hybrids. 分布于日本和中国的鹅观草及其杂种的形态学和细胞学研究.
- Su, M.H., Wu, S. C., Hsieh, C.F., Chen, S.I. and Yang, K.C . 2003. Rediscovery of Quercus aliena Blume (Fagaceae) in Taiwan. Taiwania 48(2), pp.112-117. 陈玉峰,杨国祯,赵国容,吴乐天,2002,鸟嘴山腹植群初勘-兼论神木迷思与建言,台湾人文生态研究第四卷第二期,页177-209。
- Pinus armandii and Betula albo-sinensis distributed in all area, and Quercus aliena var. acuteserrat and Pinus tabulaeformis distributed at lower mountain belt. 华山松和红桦的分布范围广,且碳储量大小明显高于其它三种类型的;
- The genetic diversity of 97 germplasms of Roegneria kamoji from eight populations in the Qingyijiang and Mingjiang river valleys was analysed by gliadin A-PAGE. 摘要用酸性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(A-PAGE)技术对采自青衣江流域和岷江流域的97份鹅观草材料的种子醇溶蛋白进行了分析。
- According to morphology, chromosome pairing, and fertility, the genomic constitution and the relationship of three species of Roegneria were investigated, and make sure of. 摘要通过形态学特征比较、种间杂交、染色体组配对和繁育学资料,探讨鹅观草属拟披碱草组纤毛草系中的三个物种毛叶鹅观草、纤毛鹅观草和竖立鹅观草间的亲缘关系。
- The results showed that plant species of S. aliena grassland were mesoxerophtyes and cold-resistant mesophytes, dominant and sub-dominant species were S. aliena and Festuca ovina respectively. 结果表明,异针茅草地植被组成复杂,主要由中早生和耐寒中生植物组成,以异针茅为优势种,羊茅为亚优势种;
- Lu Baorong,Yan Ji,Yang Junliang.Cytogenetic and morphological studies of F1 hybrids of Roegneria kamoji Ohwi distributed in China and Koreal[J].Acta Botanica Yunnanica,1990,12(3):237-246. [6]卢宝荣;颜济;杨俊良.;分布于日本和中国的鹅观草及其杂种的形态学和细胞学研究[J]
- Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata 锐齿栎
- sharptooth oak ( Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata) 锐齿槲栎
- Quercus aliena var . auteserrata 锐齿槲栎
- A revision of Roegneria C.Koch in China 国产鹅观草属之订正
- Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata forest 锐齿栎林
- A revision of the genus Roegneria C.Koch of China 国产鹅观草属