- Rickettsia exanthematotyphi [医] 流行性斑疹伤寒立克次氏体, 普氏立克次氏体
- Typhus: Any of a group of related diseases caused by various species of rickettsia that release toxins into the blood. 斑疹伤寒:因不同种类的立克次体释放毒素至血液中而引起的一系列相关疾病。
- What are the main different bio-characteristics among mycoplasma, chlamydia and rickettsia? 列举出致病性支原体、衣原体和立克次体。
- Methods The investigation of the epidemic area, the isolation and identification of Rickettsia tsutsugamushi. 方法 疫区恙虫病流行病学调查、病原分离与鉴定。
- Methods Clinical data of 10 patients with Rickettsia tsutsugamushi pneumonia were analysed retrospectively. 方法对10例以肺炎为主要表现的恙虫病患者临床资料进行回顾性分析。
- It is caused by Rickettsia rickettsii and spread by ticks of the genus Dermacentor. 该病由立克次氏体引起,由革蜱属的蜱类传播。
- Garlic phytoncide contains, in addition to cell killing things, for a variety of viruses, Rickettsia role also killed. 大蒜中含有植物杀菌素,除对细胞有灭杀作用外,对各种病毒,立克次体也有灭杀作用。
- Garlic Garlic contains phytoncide, in addition to the role of the kill cells, for a variety of viruses, Rickettsia also kill role. 大蒜 大蒜中含有植物杀菌素,除对细胞有灭杀作用外,对各种病毒、立克次体也有灭杀作用。
- Garlic contains phytoncide, in addition to the role of the kill cells, for a variety of viruses, Rickettsia also kill role. 大蒜中含有植物杀菌素,除对细胞有灭杀作用外,对各种病毒,立克次体也有灭杀作用。
- Spotted fever group Rickettsia (SFGR) ,the causative agent of spotted fever, is the most complex group among Rickettsia genus. 斑点热群立克次体(spotted fever group Rickttsia,SFGR)系引起斑点热的病原体,是立克次体属中最复杂的一群。
- Rickettsia heilongjiangii is a new species of spotted fever group.The disease it causes is heilongjiangii tick-borne spotted fever. 黑龙江立克次体是近年发现的斑点热群立克次体新种,由其引起的疾病为黑龙江蜱传斑点热。
- Transmit malaria, yellow fever, Rickettsia of disease, plague, filariasis, and so on, the destruction of grain, timber and food. 传播疟疾、黄热病、立克次体病、鼠疫、丝虫病等,毁坏谷物、木材和食品。
- Objective To study the infection of Spotted Fever Group Rickettsia (SFGR) in wild rodents and ticks in Dali, Yunnan province. 目的了解鼠、蜱中自然感染斑点热群立克次体状况。
- Thirdly,tsutsugamushi disease is caused by Rickettsia tsutsugamushi which have a affinity to the Mononuclear phagocytic system and can lead a speciali... 恙虫病立克次体对人单核-吞噬细胞系统有特别的亲嗜性与专性细胞内寄生,是其临床病理基础;用氯霉素联合双黄连治疗恙虫病可获满意效果。
- A special note with regards to those who live in the Pacific Northwest: salmon and trout can carry the rickettsia organism responsible for salmon poisoning. 对那些住在西北太平洋的人,有一件需要注意的事情:大马哈鱼和鲑鱼身上可能带有病菌。
- Conclusion As one of the causes of Rickettsia pneumonia, Rickettsia tsutsugamushi should be paid attention, pneumonia with unknown casuses should consider excluding tsutsugamushi. 结论恙虫病东方体作为立克次体肺炎的病因之一应得到重视,不明原因肺炎要考虑除外恙虫病。
- Objective Using the Rickettsia prowazekii as a model to establish a quantitative assay for determining the intracellular-microorganisms growth in the host cells. 目的以普氏立克次体为研究对象,建立一种定量测定胞内微生物繁殖的方法。
- Any of several forms of infectious disease caused by rickettsia, especially those transmitted by fleas, lice, or mites, and characterized generally by severe headache, sustained high fever, depression, delirium, and the eruption of red rashes on the skin. 斑疹伤寒由立克次氏体造成的各种传染性疾病的任何一种,尤其是那些由跳蚤、虱子或节肢小寄生虫传播的疾病,其总体特征为剧烈头痛、长时间高烧、抑郁、谵妄以及皮肤上红斑暴发
- This paper describes the isolation of rickettsae from 20 blood specimens of FUO patients by cell culture technique. 12 strains of rickettsia were grown in L929 cell. Identification of pathogen were performed by mIFA with specific antiserum. 作者收集临床疑似立克次体病患者血液标本20份,应用L929细胞分离立克次体,用mIF法鉴定出恙虫病立克次体3株,斑疹伤寒立克次体2株,斑点热立克次体7株。
- Since 1990, the threeTick-born diseases (Lyme disease, Spotted Fever Rickettsia and Orbivirus disease) havebeen found in Fujian.There were may become a public health problem in the future. 1990年以来,福建先后发现3种蜱媒疾病(莱姆病、斑点热群立克次体病和环状病毒病),这3种疾病今后可能成为福建省的公共卫生问题。