- Rhinolophus virgo n. 灌林菊头蝠
- He's a typical Virgo: Good at remembering details. 他是个典型的处女座的人:善于记细节。
- I was born on the cusp between Virgo and Libra. 我生于室女宫和天平宫会切的时辰。
- If something is wrong, a Virgo will want to help. 如果需要帮忙,处女座的人会挺身而出。
- VIRGO &PISCES: This is a polarity attraction. 你们是两个极端的互相吸引。
- It was part of Virgo, located to the west of Libra. 它在处女座里的一部分,位于天秤座的西边。
- Virgo is not very humorous even prudish. 处女座的人不会很幽默,甚至有点过分拘谨。
- Virgo is fussy about the disagreeable of anything. 处女座是爱挑剔关于这令人不愉快的任何事。
- This plaque is decorated with the sign of Virgo. 这块牌子装饰着室女宫的标记。
- Virgo was always very hard-working at school. 处女座在学校是时常非常勤勉。
- Virgo myth, we can see the meaning of harvest. 处女座的神话中,可看出收成的意涵。
- Virgo other values, but to maintain purity. 别看重处女,但保持纯洁。
- VIRGO: You are the logical type and hate disorder. 处女:你是逻辑型的,憎恨无序。
- V: Gaude et laetare, Virgo Maria, alleluia. 童贞圣母玛利亚喜乐,亚肋路亚。
- Virgo's scared of loneliness, pathetic, but true. 以后你可以尝试真正碰一下。。。
- Mercury's new transit of Virgo will begin tonight. 水星将于今晚开始转入处女座。
- Gee, Virgo, you have everything going for you! 哎呀,处女座,一切都围着你转呢!
- A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Scorpius and Virgo. 天秤星座南半天球的一个星座,靠近天蝎座和处女座
- Yellow folk tend to be mental such as Virgo and Libra sun signs. 黄色族倾向于理智,就像处女宫和天秤宫的太阳。
- But a Virgo's practical personality can also create problems. 但处女座务实的个性也会引起问题,