- The Nortel VPN Client provides the user-side functionality for secure remote access over IP networks using Contivity IP access routers and VPN servers. 北电网络的VPN网关3050是一种远程接入安全解决方案,允许远程用户访问企业应用和资源。
- Remote Access Router 远程访问路由器
- The Remote Access IP configuration is unusable. 远程访问IP配置不可用。
- Cannot find an IP adapter bound to Remote Access. 没有找到用于远程访问的IP适配器。
- Windows has configured this server as a remote access server and router with default settings. Use the Routing and Remote Access administrative tool to change these settings. Windows已经用默认设置配制此服务器为远程访问服务器和路由器。使用路由和远程访问管理工具来改变这些设置。
- "Revoke Remote Access permissions of all %1 users? "撤消所有 %251 个用户的远程访问权限?
- Grant Remote Access permissions to all %1 users? 是否授予全部的%251个用户远程访问权限?
- Remote access continues to be supported. 继续支持远程访问。
- No Remote Access servers were found. 找不到远程访问服务器。
- No active remote access connections. 没有活动的远程连接。
- Revoke Remote Access permissions of all %1 users? 撤消所有%251个用户的远程访问权限?
- OPAC usability via remote access. 10.;经由OPAC远端存取的使用率。
- Traditional remote access systems do not support extranet access. 传统的远程访问系统不支持内扩网访问。
- Intel IXP425, aiming at the applications of SME and SOHO, is especially suitable for the development of edge network equipment, i.e. gateway and access router. IXP425是Intel公司针对中小企业和家庭用户的应用需求推出的中低端网络处理器,尤其适合于网络接入路由器等边缘网络设备的开发。
- Shows hosts group table for a Remote Access client interface. 显示远程访问客户接口的主机组表。
- Remote Access Services could not be started automatically. 无法自动开始远程访问服务。
- The Remote Access Gateway Proxy could not create a named pipe. 远程访问网关代理程序不能创建命名管道。
- HEIM : Sure, if individuals are not enabled through secure technology, they will compensate using consumer technologies, such as putting in a wireless access router or copying data to a USB drive. 海姆:当然,如果一个人无法使用安全的技术,他会选择使用消费者等级的技术,例如安装无线存取路由器,或是将资料复制到随身碟。
- The remote access server has requested a callback number. 远程访问服务器已申请回叫号码。
- The TAPI devices configured for Remote Access failed to. 化失败或没有被正确安装。密。密。