- Bright fuchsia/darker shading on throat. Dark green, red back. 明亮的洋红色,喉部色彩渐浓。深绿叶,叶背红色。
- White-throated Fantail Flycatcher n. 白喉扇尾鹟
- White-spotted Fantail Flycatcher n. 白点扇尾鹟
- Yellow-bellied Fantail Flycatcher n. 黄腹扇尾鹟
- Dark green, pointed, quilted, smooth, prominent veins, serrated/occasional red back, petiole. 深绿色尖型叶,叶脉向上气状突起,叶面平坦,脉纹明显,锯齿叶缘,不时有红色的叶背,叶柄。
- Dark coral pink with white/fuchsia freckles throat, some freckles on face. Dark green, red back. 浓珊瑚红色,喉部带白或洋红奌,少量红奌在花瓣。叶深绿色,叶脉叶背暗红色。
- In the furniture store, she fell in love with the red back chair at first sight and then bought it home. 在家具城,她一眼就看中了那个红色靠椅,然后就把它买了回来。
- Esteban Granero, also at Getafe, is expected to follow De la Red back to Real in the summer. 另一名球员格拉内罗,目前也在赫塔菲,他也将跟著德拉雷德在这个夏天返回皇马。
- From the table drawer he took out a penholder, a bottle of ink, and a thick, quarto-sized blank book with a red back and a marbled cover. 他从桌子抽屉里拿出一支笔杆、一瓶墨水、一本厚厚的四开本空白簿子,红色的书脊,大理石花纹的封面。
- Fairclough admits he will be delighted to see the Reds back in action and is relishing the start of new campaign. 利物浦季前赛首场将会在星期三瑞士的圣加伦开幕,然后移师到瑞士与维也纳快速队一决高下。
- Liverpoolfc.tv: Robbie, firstly, what do you remember of your debut for the Reds back in September 1993? 罗比,1993年九月你第一次代表利物浦队出战,那场处子作给你留下了怎样的印象?
- Flynn joined the Reds back in 2007 from Falkirk but is yet to break into first-team. 弗林在2007年从福尔柯克转会而来,但至今仍未代表一线队上场。
- A bright red welt rose on his arm. 他的手臂上起了明显的条状红肿。
- Phil Marsh hat-trick and Febian Brandy's first Reserves strike sealed a hard-fought win over Bolton and sent the Reds back to the top of the FAPRL. 菲尔-马什的帽子戏法合法比安-布兰迪的第一个预备队进球帮助曼联艰难的击败了博尔顿,这场胜利也帮助曼联重返积分榜首。
- A red light is usually a signal of danger. 红灯通常是危险的信号。
- With the Champions League final in Athens now less than a week away skipper Steven Gerrard has revealed his desire to help take the Reds back to the top of world football. 当在雅典的冠军联赛决赛只剩下不到一周的时候,红军舵手杰拉德透露他希望可以帮助红军重回世界足球的顶峰。
- He wore a red carnation in his buttonhole. 他的扣洞上了一朵红色康乃馨。
- The boy is daubing a piece of paper with red ink. 那孩子正在用红墨水在纸上乱涂。
- Flynn joined the Reds back in 2007 from Falkirk but is yet to break into first-team. His only hint of first-team football has been appearances in pre-season friendlies. 弗林在2007年从福尔柯克转会而来,但至今仍未代表一线队上场。他只有在季前热身赛的时候才被和一线队联系在一起。
- He pulled a red sweater on over his shirt. 他在衬衣外面套上了一件红色毛衣。