- RE - Ni - Mo - P - WC RE-Ni-Mo-P-WC
- Attitude, to me, is mo re impo rtant than facts. 对我来说,态度比事实更重要。
- It's all over now so think mo more of it. 现在一切都过去了,因此别再去想它了。
- Half a mo (ie Wait a little), I'm not quite ready. 等一下,我还没完全准备好。
- P> 635 We"re aiming its price for $98. 我们订价为98美元。
- I want to speak to you re your behaviour. [口]关于你的行为,我想跟你谈一谈。
- BMI,WC of MS by CDS criteria were higher than IDF(P <0.05). CDS诊断的MS在BMI、WC较IDF定义的MS明显增加;差异有显著性(P<0.;05)。
- I mind my p's and q's whenever I see him. 每当我见到他我都谨慎行事。
- Re your letter of 1 September ... 关於您9月1日的来信 ...
- In English, b, p, m and w are bilabials. 英语中的b、p、m、w为双唇音。
- All body weight,BMI,WC,HC and WHR decreased significantly(P<0.0... 结论针刺配合月经周期穴位埋线对产后肥胖症具有较好的疗效。
- This method is able to measure Mn,Cu,Pb,Zn,Co,Ni and P quickly. 该方法也可同时用于:Mn、Cu、Pb、Zn、Co、N i、P等杂质元素的快速测定。
- AB and CD intersect at (the point) P. AB线和CD线在P点相交。
- There exist large Au, Cu, Pb-Zn, Ni, rare metals, rare earth, Sn, Mo, V, Ti, W and some other types of ore deposits. 具有大型、超大型规模的矿产为金、铜、铅锌、镍、稀有金属、稀土金属、锡、钼以及钒、钛、钨等。
- The time now is 10:00 p, m, sharp. 现在的时间是晚上10点整。
- Slipform construction method is a mo re advanced concrete construction method. 滑模施工方法是一种较为先进的砼施工方法。
- A method for line selecting has been offered in ICP-AES in the case of the determination of 30 elements (Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, La, Mg, Mn, Mo, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, Se, Si, Sn, Ta, Ti, Th, V and Zn) in wolfram. 为钨和钨化合物中元素 (Ag、Al、As、B、Ba、Be、Bi、Ca、Cd、Co、Cr、Cu、Fe、Hg、La、Mg、Mn、Mo、Nb、Ni、P、Pb、Se、Si、Sn、Ta、Ti、Th、V、Zn) 分析线的选择提供了依据。
- The cemented carbide comprised of Carbide(WC)and Bonding (Co or Ni)in traditonal concept.This hardmetal has series of perfect properties. 传统概念上的硬质合金是由难熔金属碳化钨(WC)为硬质相,金属钴(Co)或镍(NI)为粘结相的烧结合金材料。
- Application of Baird ICP 2070 sequential scan plasma spectrometer to determine Ag, Al, B, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Li, Mn, Mo, Ni, P, Pb, Sb, Ti, Tl and Zn in surface water, industrial wastewater, soil, plant and alloy samples. 利用Baird ICP 2070顺序式扫描等离子体光谱仪,对地面水、工业废水、土壤、植物等多种环境样品以及合金中的Ag、Al、As、B、Ba、Be、Cd、Co、Cr、Cu、Hg、Li、Mn、Mo、Ni、P、Pb、Sb、Se、Sn、Ti、Tl、Zn23种元素进行分析测定。
- The shepherd re - collect his flock. 牧人重新聚集起他的羊群。