- Quercus gilliana n. 川西栎
- Quercus, or, to the uninformed layman, the oak... 栎属乔木; 亦即外行人所谓的橡树....
- Quercus, or, to the uninformed layman, the oak.. 栎属乔木;亦即外行人所谓的橡树....
- Grafting Technique of Castanea mollssima with Quercus L. 栗与柞嫁接技术。
- A Study on the Chemical Constituents of Quercus engleriana Seem. 巴东栎中的黄酮类成分。
- Technology of Breeding Seedling of Quercus mongolicus Fisch. 蒙古栎播种育苗技术。
- A European oak(Quercus petraea) having tough, elastic wood. 无梗花栋一种欧洲栋树,(栎属无梗花栎)木质坚实而富弹性
- This species is hemiparasitic on the branches of Quercus. 本种是在栎树属植物的分枝上半寄生的。
- Karyotype analysis of 8 species of genus Quercus in Beijing. 北京栎属8个种的核型分析.
- Quercus variabilis is one of the primary sources of industrial cork in China. 栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis Bl)是我国最重要的软木资源树种。
- Oaks are deciduous members of the genus Quercus, in the Beech family. 大橡树和小橡子 橡树是山毛榉科栎属常年落叶的植物。
- Change of organic matter in oak (Quercus liaotungensis Koidz.) twigs. 北京:高等教育出版社,218-236。
- The dried acorn cups of an oak tree(Quercus aegilops)of the eastern Mediterranean, used chiefly in tanning and dyeing. 榭斗,橡碗生于地中海东部的(大鳞栎栎属)橡树的干橡果壳斗,主要用于制革和染料
- Histological Observation of Somatic Embryogenesis from Cultured Embryos of Quercus variabilis BI. 栓皮栎体细胞胚胎发生的细胞组织学观察。
- Research and Development of the Structure and Physical Properties of Cork from Quercus suber L. 欧洲栓皮栎软木构造与物理性质研究进展。
- Study on Genetic Structure and Genetic Diversity of Natural Forest to Quercus L. 栎属天然林的遗传结构和遗传多样性研究。
- A Study on the Chemical Constituents of the Leaves of Quercus acutissima Carruth. 麻栎叶的化学成分研究。
- Developments in Population and Evolutionary Genetics Within the Genus Quercus L. 栎属群体与进化遗传研究进展。
- Any of numerous monoecious deciduous or evergreen trees or shrubs of the genus Quercus, bearing acorns as fruit. 栎属树,栎,橡栎属雌雄同株落叶树或常绿树木或灌木,结橡树果实
- Quercus mongolica community is upstage community.Parkland vegetation is the most stable vegetation type on land. 蒙古柞群落是顶极群落,疏林草地植被是沙地最稳定的植被类型。