- The fable of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. 九、元明清时期寓言。
- The Qing Dynasty ceded Hong Kong to Britain. 清王朝把香港割让给了英国。
- It was first introduced during the Ming and Qing dynasties. 最早始于明清之际,当时称洋画。
- Beijing now has many stone lions made during the Ming and Qing dynasties. 北京现存有不少明清两代的石狮子。
- In the Ming and Qing dynasties, painted clay figurines were very popular. 在明清以后,民间彩塑赢得了老百姓的青睐,
- How many emperors in the Ming and Qing dynasties resided in the Forbidden City? 明、清两代有多少个皇帝曾在紫禁城里居住过?
- The Palace Museum was once the imperial palace for the Ming and Qing Dynasties. 故宫曾是明清两代的皇宫。
- This thesis focuses on the guildhall of Tianjin city in Ming &Qing Dynasties. 摘要着重于明清时期天津的建筑类型。
- Anding Men is the city wall of Simon, opened in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. 安定门 是西安城墙的 西门 ,开于明清时期。
- The book reveals many secrets of the imperial Palace during The Qing Dynasties. 这本书介绍了许多晚清大内的秘闻。
- Rose Rutabaga was first made in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. 玫瑰大头菜创始于明末清初,以鲜嫩芥菜为主料,用红糖、盐、饴糖、老白酱油等腌制。
- This coin predates the Qing Dynasty. 这种硬币是在清朝以前就有的。
- Ming and Qing Dynasties, there are 149 permanent magistrate here at Crown. 明清时期,共有149任知县在这里为官。
- Jinmao Hyatt The New South-West Lake, He Fangjie the Ming and Qing Dynasties. 外滩,南京路+小火车,人民广场,远眺东方明珠塔+金茂凯悦,西湖新南线,明清河坊街
- Why People Went West in Qing Dynasty? 试析清代走西口的成因?
- Owned by the Liao family of the Qing Dynasty. 是清代一户姓廖人家的住宅。
- It's a post office built in the Qing Dynasty. 清朝时设立的邮局。
- Yes. This street was built in the Qing Dynasty. 对呀。这条老街建于清朝。
- This is the lidded-cup tea of the Qing Dynasty. 这就是清代的盖碗茶。