- Puccinellia borealis n. 北方碱茅
- Puccinellia tenuiflora ( Turcz. ) Scribn. et Merr. 星星草
- An emerald green aurora borealis veils the sky over the North Pole. 意译:北极光在自然界的模式。翠绿色北极光的面纱天空越过北极。
- Rhodium-plated Aurora Borealis crystal drop pierced earrings. 铑镀北极光晶体下降钻耳环。
- A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Lyra and Corona Borealis. 武仙星座位于北半球的一个星座,位于天琴星座和北冕星座附近
- Next winter, we'll be taking a trip to Alaska to see the aurora borealis! 明年冬天,我们要去阿拉斯加看北极光。
- Study on the Seasonal Dynamic Model of Puccinellia tenuiflora Soil Microbial Biomass in Northeastern China. 碱茅土壤微生物生物量季节动态模型的研究。
- There are 2 species XinJiang new recorded. They were Festuca nitidula Stapf and Puccinellia minuta Bor. 新疆新记录有2种,分别是微药羊茅Festuca nitidula和侏碱茅Puccinellia minuta。
- The sky over Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada, churns with light from an aurora borealis. 意译:北极光在自然界的模式。天空越过耶洛奈夫,西北地区,加拿大,剧烈搅动光来自于北极光。
- Most of the time, the aurora borealis was a faded shadow, like the strands of color on a soap bubble. 大部分的时间,极光只是一种淡淡的影子,就像肥皂泡上的彩丝一般。
- Seasonal dynamics of environmental factors and decomposition rate of litter in Puccinellia tenuiflora community of Songnen grassland of China. 松嫩草原碱茅群落环境因素与凋落物分解季节动态。
- The Aurora Borealis as seen from the sub-arctic tundra nightscape. Wapusk National Park, Manitoba, Canada. 这是从加拿大马尼托巴省瓦普斯克国家公园亚北极苔原地观察到的北极光。
- A cascade of rose-tinted light surges through the sky in an aurora borealis over northern Canada. 意译:北极光在自然界的模式。一小瀑布的玫瑰色彩光亮巨涌通过天空中北极光在加拿大北部上空。
- Classification system of Puccinellia pert in Qinghai Province was revised through the study of Puccinellia part in Qinghai Province. 摘要通过对青海省碱茅属植物的研究,修订了青海省碱茅属植物分类系统。
- Contrary to widely held belief, the aurora borealis is not strictly a phenomenon of winter lights in the Arctic. “无限荒野在空中,旅行者的帐篷里点燃了从内部演变成将恒星飞船的北极光。
- Rhodium-plated hair clip with two bezel-set, star-shaped Aurora Borealis crystals. 铑镀头发剪辑两个边框集,星型北极光晶体。
- Light from an aurora borealis swirls over Yellowknife, the capital of Canada's Northwest Territories. 意译:北极光在自然界的模式。光从北极光漩涡越过耶洛奈夫,加拿大的西北地区的首都。
- The northern lights, or aurora borealis, are powered by energy from outer space. 北极光,或者北边的极光,它的能量来自于外太空。
- Changes of defensive enzymes and active oxygen of Puccinellia tenuiflora seedlings under Na2CO3 stress[J].Bulletin of Botanical Research,2006,26 (3):308-313. Na2CO3胁迫下星星草幼苗活性氧及保护酶活性的变化[J].;植物研究;2006;26(3):308-313
- Elegant rhodium-plated, open-work sphere clip earrings set with Aurora Borealis crystals. 优雅的镀铑,开放式的夹式耳环配北极光水晶。